Welcome to Rockup, the cloud-friendly incremental file backup system.
It is meant to be used in conjunction with on-line cloud storage.
- Full and incremental backup modes
- Backup compression
- Backup encryption
- ... more
Rockup is a 100% Ruby application therefore it can run on any platform for which the Ruby runtime is available.
Therefore, in order to use Rockup it is necessary to install playform-specific Ruby runtime.
- Windows
Refer to RubyInstaller.org the all-in-one Ruby distribution.
- UNIX/Linux
Refer to operation system -specific installation instructions.
Once the Ruby runtime is installed, it is time to install the Rockup itself. The latter is distribued in form of a Gem obtained from central repository RubyGems.org.
Installing Rockup is a command line one-liner as follows:
gem install rockup
Once installed the Rockup can be invoked from command line with rockup
To see actual Rockup command line parameters run
rockup -h
- Rockup is created by Oleg A. Khlybov fougas@mail.ru
- Rockup is a free software distributed under the terms of 3-clause BSD license.