Take in an ebook and output an audiobook. Different, matching, voices for dialogue of main speakers.
g++ -I /usr/local/include/ -L /usr/local/lib/ audioproj.cpp -o audioproj -lzip -std=c++17
./audioproj "books/name_of_ebook.epub"
replace generated .txt files with new .txt files from generated Chapter objects, super clean and clear, ready for TTS. - done.
Use clean .txt files to generate TTS audio files (m4b?) for each chapter.
Add the ability to keep bold and emphasised text in the document for better TTS.
Generate a list of characters.
Locate and link dialogue to the character that speaks it.
Locate and link any description(s) of a character to the character.
Analyse gathered info on a character to pick out a voice for them (ML).
Don't overwrite html_files if they already exist.
Change FormatText.h to be defs instead of static functions.