A timewarrior extension to list and restart recently tracked intervals with the help of fzf
The extension works with tags and will find uniquely tagged intervals and list them by recency, with the most recent one closest to the prompt. The user can then filter and browse them with the help of fzf
and start a new interval based on the tags of an old interval.
For timew-fzf to work you need fzf
to be on PATH. You will also need python3 and you will need to pip install timew-report
and pip install pyfzf
Clone the repo to a location of your liking
git clone git@github.com:oivvio/timew-fzf.git
Add a symlink from ~/.timewarrior/extensions
cd ~/.timewarrior/extensions
ln -s /path_to_where_you_cloned_the_repo/timew-fzf/twfzf.py
Optionally add a symlink to the utility script
cd ~/.local/bin
ln -s /path_to_where_you_cloned_the_repo/timew-fzf/rr
Start a selection based on intervals from the last 6 months.
timew twfzf 6m
But why do all that typing, like an animal, when you can just type...
to launch a utility script that will stop any currently running interval and then run timew twfzf 6m
with an option to override the 6 months, so...
rr 2y
will let you select among intervals from the last two years, and so on.