This is the code for the training and evaluation of part-contrast training proposed in
Create a conda environment with the specifications
conda create --name <env name> --file spec-file.txt
conda activate <env name>
-> Make a folder named data_dir here
-> Download PASCUB dataset from here in data_dir
-> Download the full CUB dataset (images and segmentations) from here to data_dir and extract images into single folder by:
cd <path to cub data>/images/
for folder in *; do; mv $folder/* ../images_extracted/.; done
-> Download OID dataset from here in data_dir
-> Download pretained checkpoints from here into pretrained_models folder inside ssl_training folder
cd ssl_training
First generate clusters using:
python --dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> --save_dir <dir to save part cluster masks>
Next train ResNet PARTICLE:
python --dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> --seg_dir <dir of masks generated in previous step> --save_path <path to save models>
First generate clusters using:
python --dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> --save_dir <dir to save part cluster masks>
Next train ViT PARTICLE
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> --seg_dir <dir of masks generated in previous step> —-output_dir <path to save models>
cd evaluation
Test on classifcation using the checkpoints obtained by training PARTICLE:
python --arch <architecture - “resnet50” or "vit_small"> --dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> --pretrained_weights <trained particle checkpoint>
PARTICLE models should give following score on running this code:
Base SSL | DetCon | DINO |
Birds | 40.88 | 84.15 |
Aircrafts | 43.99 | 73.59 |
Train on segmentation downstream task using the checkpoints obtained by training PARTICLE:
python —-arch <architecture - “res50” or “dino”> —-dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> —-ckpt <trained particle checkpoint> —-save_path <path to save fcn set models”
Find cross-validation mIoU using:
python —-arch <architecture - “res50” or “dino”> —-dataset <dataset type - “birds” or “aircrafts”> —-ckpt_dir <folder of seg ckpts from previous step >
PARTICLE models should give following score on running this code:
Base SSL | DetCon | DINO |
Birds | 49.23 | 50.59 |
Aircrafts | 58.95 | 61.68 |