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GnuPG 2.2.x for RHEL7

Some vendors have stopped supporting files encrypted with GnuPG < v2.1. Unfortunately, The base GnuPG in both RHEL6 & RHEL7 is v2.0 and there are very few alternative sources for binary installs of GnuPG for RHEL. Compiling GnuPG is not terribly difficult, but it does involve some dependencies and at least one configure option for older kernels. Building RPM packages is also not terribly difficult, but updating them and maintaining them without a centralized build server can be a little problematic. This Vagrant/Ansible playbook provides a way to reliably update and rebuild a version of GnuPG for RHEL7 which should not conflict with any of the base system packages.


Vagrant/Ansible Usage

git clone
cp defaults.yml local.yml
# Modify local.yml as needed, i.e. vendor information
vagrant up

If everything works properly you should end up with a freshly cut RPM in the 'out' directory. You can simply run vagrant destroy -f at this point if you like. All you need is the new RPM file which can be distributed to your servers.

Custom GnuPG Usage

Once you have installed the RPM on the target system you should be able to use the new version of GnuPG with something like this:

source /opt/oit/gnupg/enable
gpg --version

You may need to change your source path if you changed the vendor information in local.yml.