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TeleICU Middleware Deployment

The documentation is for Equipment Integrators, explaining how to deploy the TeleICU middleware in their development environment.


  • You should own a domain to host the TeleICU middleware
  • You should have a linux machine to deploy the TeleICU middleware
  • Download this repo. The commands in this documentation are to be run from inside the downloaded folder.


Setting up a test environment for an equipment integrator involves the following processes

  • Create facility, equipment asset, and patient in the staging environment of CARE (
  • Deploy a hosting solution for the middleware in the local/testing env for CARE staging to be able to reach it.
  • Set up TeleICU middleware in local/testing env of the equipment integrator.


1. Create Facility in CARE Staging

username: devdistrictadmin
password: Coronasafe@123 
  • On the facility details page, click on Manage Location, and Add New Location. Give the name as ICU and click Add Location.
  • Click on Manage Beds of the New Location that we created and Add a Bed. As an example, name would be Bed1
  • Go back to the Facility details page and Click on Create Asset. Select the location we just created, and select your equipment from the Asset Class. Fill out the mandatory fields and click Create Asset.
Asset Name=Monitor 1
Asset Type=Internal
Asset Class=HL7 Vitals Monitor
Working Status=Working
Customer Support=9876543210 
  • From Facility details page, click on Add Patient Details.
  • Fill out the mandatory fields to create a patient. Do the same for the Consultation page that comes after it.
  • On the Patient Dashboard Page, click on Assign Bed near to the Patient Picture on top of the Page.
  • Assign the Bed we created before, and click on Move to Bed.

2. Hosting solution in local/testing env

Pre-requisite: You should own a domain to provide hostname to the middleware.

If you already have a hosting solution

For CARE Staging to access the TeleICU middleware, the middleware should have a hostname. If you already have a static public IP and a hosting solution like nginx already present in the local/testing env, create a subdomain that will point to the public IP and to port 8001.

If you don't have a static public IP

In this scenario, we could use a tunneling solution to reach middleware in a system that does not have a static public IP.
We will use cloudflare tunnel for this purpose.

  • Create a cloudflare account and move your domain to cloudflare.
  • Install Cloudflare cli in local. Run the following script on your terminal to install cloudflared.
sudo mkdir -p --mode=0755 /usr/share/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-main.gpg >/dev/null
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-main.gpg] '"$(lsb_release -cs)"' main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflared.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cloudflared -y
  • Authenticate using the below command.
cloudflared tunnel login
  • Create a tunnel using the following command.
cloudflared tunnel create middleware-tunnel
  • A tunnel with the name middleware-tunnel will be created. Note down the UUID of the tunnel from the output screen.
  • Use this UUID to replace tunnel-id in config.yml file. And update the hostname as your preferred hostname. Example:
tunnel: a092e1bf-9eab-45f0-9cee-7928e1054349
credentials-file: /home/teleicu/.cloudflared/a092e1bf-9eab-45f0-9cee-7928e1054349.json

  - hostname:
    service: http://localhost:8001
  - service: http_status:404
  • Use the same UUID to create a CNAME record in cloudflare DNS with your preferred hostname.
Name: middleware
  • Copy the config.yml to $HOME/.cloudflared directory
cp config.yml "$HOME"/.cloudflared

Deploy TeleICU Middleware

  • Update the .env file. Replace values for hostname, and FACILITY_ID Example:



  • Install Docker
sudo curl -fsSL | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker "$USER"

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
  • Run TeleICU middleware using docker
docker compose up -d

Integrating all together

  • Install cloudflared as a service
sudo cloudflared service install
sudo systemctl enable cloudflared
  • Update the asset in CARE Staging
    • Visit the asset details page
    • Click on configure and update the hostname, IP address of the device
    • Assign Bed as the Bed we created earlier.
  • Update the asset in TeleICU Middleware
    • Visit the asset details page at localhost:8090/assets
    • Add Name, Description, ASSET_ID, IP address of the device.

Send Data from Equipment to Middleware

Request Details

Request Endpoint

Request Method

  • POST

Data Format


A single observation is represented as a JSON string, based on FHIR observation resource, with observed parameter name as key and observed parameter value as value. Example:

      "observation_id": "heart-rate",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2022-06-03 08:21:48",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "Message-Leads Off",
      "value": null,
      "unit": "bpm",
      "interpretation": "NA",
      "low-limit": 40,
      "high-limit": 120

The actual payload will be a two-dimensional array of these objects.

An example of the payload is given below

      "observation_id": "heart-rate",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "Message-Leads Off",
      "value": null,
      "unit": "bpm",
      "interpretation": "NA",
      "low-limit": 40,
      "high-limit": 120
      "observation_id": "ST",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "Message-Leads Off",
      "value": null,
      "unit": "mV",
      "interpretation": "NA",
      "low-limit": -0.3,
      "high-limit": 0.3
      "observation_id": "SpO2",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "final",
      "value": 95,
      "unit": "%",
      "interpretation": "normal",
      "low-limit": 90,
      "high-limit": 100
      "observation_id": "pulse-rate",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "final",
      "value": 71,
      "unit": "bpm",
      "interpretation": "normal",
      "low-limit": 40,
      "high-limit": 120
      "observation_id": "respiratory-rate",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "Message-Leads Off",
      "value": null,
      "unit": "brpm",
      "interpretation": "NA",
      "low-limit": 6,
      "high-limit": 40
      "observation_id": "body-temperature1",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "final",
      "value": 76.5,
      "unit": "deg F",
      "interpretation": "low",
      "low-limit": 86.0,
      "high-limit": 107.6
      "observation_id": "body-temperature2",
      "device_id": "",
      "date-time": "2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-id": "3",
      "patient-name": "PATIENT 3",
      "status": "Message-Measurement Invalid",
      "value": null,
      "unit": "deg F",
      "interpretation": "NA",
      "low-limit": 86.0,
      "high-limit": 107.6
      "date-time":"2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-name":"Patient 3",
      "sampling rate":"250/sec",
      "data":"2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047"
      "date-time":"2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-name":"Patient 3",
      "sampling rate":"100/sec",
      "data":"87 87 87 86 85 82 80 78 76 74 71 70 68 66 65 64 62 62 61 60 59 57 56 55 53 52 51 50 49 47 46 45 43 42 40 38 37 36 35 35 35 36 37 42 45 49 57 61 66 73 76 80 82 84 87 88 89 90 90 89 88 87 85 83 81 77 75 73 70 69 67 65 64 63 63 62 60 59 57 56 55 53 51 51 50 49 47 45 44 42 40 39 38"
      "date-time":"2023-02-20 18:00:43",
      "patient-name":"Patient 3",
      "sampling rate":"100/sec",
      "data":"127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127"

Post Deployment

  • Visit the Patient Dashboard page to see the data coming from the Asset that is linked to the bed on which patient is assigned/moved.

Mock Data Requests

The docker file also contains a mock data generator that can be used to generate vitals data for testing purposes. Uncomment the following lines in the docker-compose.yml file to enable the mock data generator.

#  mock_cns_req:
#    restart: always
#    image:
#    container_name: mock_cns_req
#    ports:
#    - "8002:8002"
#    logging:
#      options:
#        max-size: "10m"
#        max-file: "3"

The generator send continuous mock data to the middleware for 10 devices with IP addresses ranging from to

Connect a Camera Feed

The middleware setup also consists of an RTSPtoWeb player that stream a feed from the camera. The player can be accessed at http://localhost:8080. In the player, add a stream and give the RTSP URL of the camera feed. The player will then stream the feed from the camera.

RTSP URL can vary from device to device but a general look is as below:

rtsp://<username>:<password>@<camera IP>:<port>/stream

Similar to adding a Vitals Monitor, add a new asset with asset type as ONVIF Camera and give the following details:

IP Address:
Camera ID:

The Camera ID can be found in the RTSPtoWeb player URL when you open the camera feed.


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