cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone rabbitmq
dokku plugins-install
$ dokku help
rabbitmq:console <app> Launch a RabbitMQ console for a given app
rabbitmq:env <app> Get generated environment variables for <app>
rabbitmq:url <app> Get DATABASE_URL for <app>
rabbitmq:create <app> Create a RabbitMQ database
rabbitmq:delete <app> Delete specified RabbitMQ database
rabbitmq:link <app> <another_app> Give environment variable of database of <app> to <another_app>
rabbitmq:unlink <another_app> Unlink <another_app> to a database
rabbitmq:restart Restart the RabbitMQ docker container and linked app
rabbitmq:start Start the RabbitMQ docker container if it isn't running
rabbitmq:stop Stop the RabbitMQ docker container
rabbitmq:status Shows status of RabbitMQ
rabbitmq:list List all databases
rabbitmq:update Update this plugin
rabbitmq:migrate Migrate
Dokku doesn't handle plugin update. I made a pull request to dokku for that (dokku/dokku#669)
So, each time you update this plugin with git pull
, you need to call:
$ dokku rabbitmq:migrate
This plugin adds following environment variables to your app automatically:
$ dokku rabbitmq:start # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server rabbitmq:start # Client side
$ dokku rabbitmq:stop # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server rabbitmq:stop # Client side
$ dokku rabbitmq:restart # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server rabbitmq:restart # Client side
$ dokku rabbitmq:create foo # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server rabbitmq:create foo # Client side
You can link a database to an application :
- Create vhost/user:
$ dokku rabbitmq:create foo
- Push another_app to dokku and link it to foo with:
$ dokku rabbitmq:link foo another_app
- Environment variables for vhost/user foo will be available in another_app
$ dokku rabbitmq:unlink another_app # Server side