This repository includes all the code samples used for the State of the Crates 2025 blog post, also replicated below.
It is mostly a collection of usage samples of commonly used crates.
One of the best things about Rust is that there are so many high-quality crates for everything and anything you want.
It can be hard to choose, so I wanted to share some of the crates I used this year at $work and explain why.
For context, we're a small-ish Rust & Python shop handling compute-heavy workloads on-prem. Our system is split into a reasonable number of services that talk to each other mostly over RabbitMQ or HTTP.
- axum: HTTP(S) servers with flexible routing and integration
- reqwest (with rustls): Modern HTTP client with configuration options
- prost / tonic: Protobuf and gRPC ecosystem support
- lapin: AMQP (RabbitMQ) client
Error Handling
- thiserror: Errors for libraries
- anyhow: Errors for applications
- rstest: Parametric tests and fixtures (familiar if you know
Serialization & Data
- serde / serde_json: General-purpose serialization and JSON handling
- bincode: Compact binary format when JSON is too large
- humantime-serde: Human-readable durations
- rustc-hash / sha1_smol: Faster and predictable non-crypto hashing
- tikv-jemallocator: Improved memory allocation performance
- uuid: UUID creation and parsing
- chrono: UTC-based time handling
- derivative: Customize derived trait implementations
- image: Working with images
CLI & Logging
- argh / clap: Lightweight vs. feature-rich CLI parsing
- tracing: Structured logging and tracing
- prometheus: Metrics
- sea-orm / sea-query / sqlx: Async-friendly ORM and query building
ML & Advanced
- half: Half-sized float types
- approx: Approximate comparisons for floats
- ndarray / nalgebra: Arrays and linear algebra ops
- ort: ONNX runtime for local model inference
Everything (async
) is tokio
For building HTTP(S) servers, axum
is both flexible and simple, yet still scales nicely to handle advanced, complex workflows (you can merge routers, extract routers to functions, share state using a simple mutex, write custom "extractors", integrate tracing, ...).
We use it for everything, from small debug/metric servers to heavy data ingress.
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(root))
.route("/users", post(create_user));
async fn root() -> &'static str {
"Hello, 2025!"
struct CreateUser {
username: String,
async fn create_user(
Json(payload): Json<CreateUser>,
) -> (StatusCode, Json<u64>) {
// ...
(StatusCode::CREATED, Json(1337))
There was a time when combining routers was cumbersome (RIP BoxRoute
) but these days everything is a breeze and axum
is really a one-size-fits-all solution.
For example sharing state (which can be anything from HashMap
s to a DB connection) is a call to with_state
and another parameter to the handler.
use std::collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap};
use axum::extract::State;
use serde_json::json;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
type UsersDB = HashMap<String, u64>;
let app = Router::new()
/* .. snip */
async fn create_user(
State(state): State<Arc<Mutex<UsersDB>>>,
Json(payload): Json<CreateUser>,
) -> (StatusCode, Json<serde_json::Value>) {
match state.lock().unwrap().entry(payload.username) {
Entry::Occupied(_) => (
Json(json!({ "error": "User already exists" })),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
(StatusCode::CREATED, Json(json!(1337)))
And tower-http
has useful middlewares that can be added with a call to layer
let app = Router::new()
/* .. snip */
We do use warp
from time to time, usually when we need a "one-off" HTTP server for a test or something similar.
.map(|mut payload: CreateUser| {
As for HTTP(S) clients, we use reqwest
, and we use the rustls
backend (mostly to avoid OpenSSL, both during build and deployment).
One-off requests are what you would expect.
let body = reqwest::get("")
But for production use-cases, you mostly want to use ClientBuilder
let client = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new()
And you can do pretty much anything HTTP-related (including multipart, body streaming and more) with the many methods of RequestBuilder
let body ="http://localhost:3000/users")
.json(&json!({ "username": "root" }))
Side note: We usually disable HTTP2 because multiple servers and clients (in Rust, NodeJS and Python) have problems with sessions hanging indefinitely at random.
Sometimes you must to use protobufs
is the crate to generate and consume protobufs
data, and tonic
is the crate for building gRPC clients and servers (which use prost
for the protobufs
For RabbitMQ, we use the lapin
crate (we use the official rabbitmq-stream-client
for streams, but we are moving away from them entirely).
Side note 2: Most of our workloads would be fine with plain synchronous I/O. But the highest quality libraries are async
-first (tonic
and reqwest
are good examples of this), and for the few cases we do care about it, it is easier to lean into the async
lifestyle for everything.
Almost everything serialization-related is covered by serde
, and we tend to use JSON as the serialization format (and serde_json
to generate/consume it).
Sometimes JSON isn't really a good fit (binary data, size constraints), and using bincode
with serde
is great for such use cases.
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Entity {
x: f32,
y: f32,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct World(Vec<Entity>);
let json = serde_json::to_string(&world).unwrap();
let encoded: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&world).unwrap();
assert_eq!(json.len(), 32);
assert_eq!(encoded.len(), 16);
There are a few additions worth noting:
is helpful when small tweaks to the serialization/deserialization are neededhumantime-serde
is very handy for human APIs that accept durations (config file, CLI parameters)serde_qs
for dealing with querystrings
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Config {
#[serde(with = "humantime_serde")]
timeout: Duration,
let config: Config = serde_json::from_str(r#"{"timeout":"3m"}"#).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.timeout, Duration::from_secs(180));
For libraries, use thiserror
. For apps, use anyhow
Using thiserror
allows you to expose an API of possible errors, which requires more effort and is usually only really worth it for libs (do you want to match on specific types of errors and handle them differently?).
You can still use the #[from]
attribute to get a nice ?
behavior in the library, but you will need to manually construct the more nuanced errors.
For applications, using anyhow
with its .context(..)
function removes a lot of the friction of error handling while generating rich error messages.
use anyhow::Context;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum MyLibError {
#[error("io error: {0}")]
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("got an invalid code `{0}`")]
fn my_lib_function() -> Result<u32, MyLibError> {
let hosts = std::fs::read_to_string("/etc/hosts")?;
fn my_app_function() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let res = my_lib_function();
let res = match res {
Err(MyLibError::IoError(_)) => todo!("implement retry logic"),
res => res,
let _valid_code = res.context("Failed to get a valid code from my_lib_function")?;
Calling my_app_function().unwrap()
will print:
thread 'main' panicked at src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Failed to get a valid code from my_lib_function
Caused by:
got an invalid code `42`
While the built-in #[test]
attribute is great, the rstest
crate brings in a bunch of features I missed after working for years with Python's pytest
Re-using tedious-to-construct data and validating the same test against multiple inputs are the backbone of adequate test coverage (even though it can be tempting to overuse case
use rstest::{fixture, rstest};
fn username() -> &'static str {
async fn db() -> SqlitePool {
let pool = SqlitePool::connect(":memory:").await.unwrap();
fullname TEXT
async fn db_with_user(username: &str, #[future] db: SqlitePool) -> SqlitePool {
let db = db.await;
INSERT INTO users (username, fullname)
VALUES ($1, $2)
.bind(format!("Test User {username}"))
async fn test_fetch_profile(username: &str, #[future] db_with_user: SqlitePool) {
let db = db_with_user.await;
let res = fetch_profile(username, &db).await;
let res = fetch_profile("link", &db).await;
Cryptography is hard, but non cryptographic hashing can be useful in a lot of situations (but only when you have trusted inputs).
If you need a usize / HashMap
-style hash, rustc-hash
is a solid choice. It's much faster than the default hasher.
let mut hashmap = HashMap::<&'static str, usize, rustc_hash::FxBuildHasher>::default();
// or, `use rustc_hash::FxHashMap as HashMap`.
hashmap.insert("black", 0);
hashmap.insert("white", 255);
If you need to hash some medium-to-large string or bytes, and you want it to be consistent everywhere, sha1_smol
is my go-to: easy to recreate the results in the terminal, no dependencies (other than serde
if you want to).
Again, NOT cryptographic!
let mut m = sha1_smol::Sha1::new();
m.update(b"Hello 2025!");
let hash = m.digest().to_string();
assert_eq!(hash, "68a0e44442b100a1698afa962aa590cc5e1cbb71");
// Same as `echo -n 'Hello 2025!' | sha1sum`, if you trust your terminal.
Generally, Rust programs tend to allocate memory pretty liberally, and it's common to write a server that allocate some memory for each request.
Systems allocators don't always like this, and problems like memory fragmentation or unexplained high memory usage got us a few times over years.
For memory-intensive workloads, we switch to jemalloc
using the tikv-jemallocator
We can build a small server that does some non trivial work like resizing JPEG images using the image
crate, and overload it with vegeta
let app = Router::new().route("/resize/w/:w/h/:h", post(resize_image));
async fn resize_image(Path((width, height)): Path<(u32, u32)>, body: Body) -> Bytes {
let mut body = body.into_data_stream();
let mut data = vec![];
while let Some(bytes) = {
let bytes = bytes.unwrap();
let resized_image = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let img = image::ImageReader::with_format(Cursor::new(data), image::ImageFormat::Jpeg)
img.resize(width, height, image::imageops::FilterType::Lanczos3)
for i in {1..100}; do
WIDTH=$((RANDOM % 500 + 50))
HEIGHT=$((RANDOM % 500 + 50))
echo "POST http://localhost:3000/resize/w/$WIDTH/h/$HEIGHT" >> targets.txt
echo "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" >> targets.txt
echo "@./example.jpg" >> targets.txt
cat targets.txt | vegeta attack -duration=30s -rate=500 | vegeta report
On my machine, using jemallocator
reduces the peak memory consumption from 2.1GB to 1.6GB, while also going back down to a ~300MB once the load is over.
use tikv_jemallocator::Jemalloc;
static GLOBAL: Jemalloc = Jemalloc;
While clap
is the more contemporary choice, I really like argh
(and our code base is something like 50/50 between both).
My CLI stuff is usually a script for running some part of a thing I'm working on, and I'll usually delay actually having a CLI as much as possible (and edit the params inline and recompile).
You can slap argh
on a struct and get a nice interface, and go back to the task at hand.
use argh::FromArgs;
/// Reach new heights.
struct Hello {
/// turn on verbose output
#[argh(switch, short = 'v')]
verbose: bool,
/// year to hello to
year: i32,
let hello: Hello = argh::from_env();
Sometimes less is less; if you are building a CLI-first thing, clap
is a safer choice.
We deal exclusively with UTC timestamps, so we use chrono
use chrono::prelude::*;
let dt = Utc.with_ymd_and_hms(2025, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).unwrap();
println!("Hello {}!", dt);
let last_second = dt - chrono::Duration::seconds(1);
If you care about timezones, jiff
is the new kid on the block and has a more complete story for them (see jiff
vs chrono
, time
, and more).
Sometimes you need to customize the Debug
impl of some struct, and derivative
is useful if you don't want to manually implement it:
use derivative::Derivative;
struct Auth {
pub api_key: String,
pub api_secret: String,
For running benchmarks, criterion
has nice reporting, is flexible with generating inputs to functions (for example with iter_batched
and profiling is painless with cargo flamegraph
(install with cargo install flamegraph
For everything Python-related, use pyo3
(I also wrote an entire blog post about it).
If you work with UUIDs, the uuid
crate supports anything you need: creating them, parsing them (including serde
integration) and with support for all versions.
let uuid = uuid::Uuid::from_u128(0x1337_0042);
assert_eq!(uuid.to_string(), "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000013370042");
assert_eq!(uuid, uuid::uuid!("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000013370042"));
Just Use Postgres for Everything, amirite? But for that, you still need a bunch of client-side stuff - managing connections, running queries, building queries, handling migrations, etc etc.
The SeaQL
ecosystem of crates (sea-query
, sea-orm
, sea-orm-migration
) has everything you need, and more. We use them with the sqlx
Check out their full axum_example
, but here's a taste:
pub async fn update_post_by_id(
db: &DbConn,
id: i32,
post_data: post::Model,
) -> Result<post::Model, DbErr> {
let post: post::ActiveModel = post::Entity::find_by_id(id)
.ok_or(DbErr::Custom("Cannot find post.".to_owned()))
post::ActiveModel {
title: Set(post_data.title.to_owned()),
text: Set(post_data.text.to_owned()),
Some crates that are with us no longer (except where we forgot to replace them):
- If you need a complex struct that is alsostatic
, nowLazyLock
is part of the standard library:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::LazyLock;
static HASHMAP: LazyLock<HashMap<u32, &'static str>> = LazyLock::new(|| {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert(0, "foo");
m.insert(1, "bar");
m.insert(2, "baz");
- Similarly, if you need a global that is only initialized once, you can now useOnceLock
use std::sync::OnceLock;
static CELL: OnceLock<usize> = OnceLock::new();
let value = CELL.get_or_init(|| 12345);
- Almost RIP. Before Rust 1.75 you couldn't haveasync
functions in traits at all, and now you can almost always have them. And even when you can, you'll still get funuse of async fn in public traits
warning. So just slap#[async_trait::async_trait]
on them for a bit longer!
The tracing
crate is wonderful: basic usage is simplicity incarnate, but the possibilities are endless.
Set the env var RUST_LOG=debug
and off you go.
use tracing::{info, debug};
fn hello(year: usize) {
println!("Hello, {}!", year);
info!("Done saying hello");
pub fn main() {
You can instrument
async calls dynamically which can be useful for injecting request-level data.
async fn goodbye() {
debug!("Done saying goodbye");
pub async fn main() {
// .. snip ..
.instrument(info_span!("goodbye", year = 2024))
For metrics, we use the prometheus
Defining and using metrics is straightforward.
use prometheus::{register_int_counter, register_int_counter_vec, IntCounter, IntCounterVec};
use std::sync::LazyLock;
pub static REQUEST_COUNT: LazyLock<IntCounter> = LazyLock::new(|| {
register_int_counter!("request_count", "Number of requests received").unwrap()
pub static ERROR_COUNT: LazyLock<IntCounterVec> = LazyLock::new(|| {
register_int_counter_vec!("error_count", "Number of errors by type", &["type"]).unwrap()
// In some function:;
// In an error flow:
We serve metrics using axum
use axum::{routing::get, Router};
pub fn metrics_router() -> Router {
Router::new().route("/metrics", get(metrics))
async fn metrics() -> String {
Either running on a dedicated HTTP server, or merged to the main router (if the service is an internal HTTP server).
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(root))
.route("/users", post(create_user))
/* .. snip .. */
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer hello2025" http://localhost:3000/metrics
# HELP error_count Number of errors by type
# TYPE error_count counter
error_count{type="conflict"} 1
# HELP request_count Number of requests received
# TYPE request_count counter
request_count 3
For us, most of the ML workloads use NVIDIA's Triton server (using tonic
for the gRPC client and half
for creating f16
-type inputs), for which we compile ONNX models to TensorRT engines.
When testing with floats, approx
is useful for quick comparisons:
use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;
use half::f16;
let res = f16::from_f32(0.1) + f16::from_f32(0.2);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(f32::from(res), 0.3, epsilon = 1e-3);
assert_eq!(res.to_le_bytes(), [0xcc, 0x34]);
There are a few cases where running a model on the CPU makes more sense, and this is where we use ort
crate to run the ONNX models directly (currently on version 2.0.0-rc.9
For actual input/output related work, we use ndarray
which is the numpy
equivalent for Rust (ndarray::doc::ndarray_for_numpy_users).
use ndarray::{array, s, Array};
let a = array![[1, 2], [3, 4]];
assert_eq!(a.slice(s![.., 1]), Array::from_vec(vec![2, 4]));
For the more geometric code, the nalgebra
crate has all the needed Matrix
and Vector
use nalgebra::Matrix2;
let m = Matrix2::new(1., 2.,
3., 4.);
assert_eq!(m.determinant(), -2.);
assert_eq!(m.is_invertible(), true);
We use the 2021 edition for all our code, and the transition from 2018 was completely smooth.
We only use the stable
compiler, which wasn't true when I started using Rust at $work^1.
Both of these seem obvious, which only makes it an even bigger success of the Rust project.
We do use Bazel
as our build system (primarily because we mix Rust and Python), but that's a topic for a different post.
I hope you found this helpful! I wonder how much this list will change next year? In five?
And of course, there are so many other awesome crates.
What are some of yours? Discuss on r/rust 🦀.
Even though we end up building almost 500 crates, a clean cargo build
on my M3 MacBook Pro takes less than 40 seconds (with a prebuilt jemalloc),
and cargo check
is instant.
The rest of the code is also available on GitHub at ohadravid/state-of-the-crates.
Special thanks to Omer and Yuval for reviewing earlier drafts of this article.