This project consists of DNSSEC-resolver-check, implemented in java, and pyDRC, a subset of DNSSEC-resolver-check, implemented in python.
DNSSEC-resolver-check (the java code) is a set of java classes that implement an application that evaluates how well a resolver supports DNSSEC as seen from the location at which the applicaiton runs.
The evaluation is submitted to a central server operated by us.
This collection depends on dnsjava please put a recent dnsjava jar file (>2.1.3) in the current directory and update the Makefile to reflect it.
java UI_DRC <options> <resolver candidates>
or java -jar UI_DRC-0.5.5.jar <options> <resolver candidates>
-a # Aborts on first error for each resolver
-d # prints lots of debug info
-h # prints help and exits
-l # Lists the locally configured resolvers and exits
-r # detailed report on screen
-S # DO not SUBMIT results
-T # Show compact from of test results
-m <string> # A string that gets added to the report as an identifier
Example: starbucks
# No resolvers listed, use configured resolvers
resolvers can be addresses or names
New report format:
Tests= <str> reports the result of the 13 tests
NS=<ip1/name> is the name or address being tested
Resolv=<ip2> is the IP address the resolver reports for itself
Me=<ip3> is the public IP address my servers see
Version=<string> The version of the test program
Msg=<string> An indicator where the test was performed (optional)
The Applet and javascript can be served by a php server, if the following files are present:
- dnsjava-2.1.4.jar (dns stub forwarder, MUST BE SIGNED)
- DNSSEC_Check_Help.php (content of the hover text help for behaviors)
- DNSSEC_Check_Test_Help.html (content of the help for the tests)
- DSC-3.php (the main php file that outputs the GUI)
- lc.min.js (a jquery control used by the GUI)
- UI_DRC-0.5.5.jar (the main DRC class jar, MUST BE SIGNED)
- DNSSEC_Check-1.0.2.jar (the applet jar, MUST BE SIGNED)
If all these files are present in a php server folder, and you point a browser at DRC-3.php, you should get the DRC web page.
The python code is a set of python classes that implements the DNSSEC-resolver-check functionality as a library, along with a simple, console user interface. See for usage.