Ungoliant is a webserver reconnaissance tool designed to work with an attack proxy, such as Burp or ZAP. With ungoliant, you can enumerate hundreds or even thousands of webservers simultaneously to get a birds' eye view of a target's entire web application estate.
- Supply targets via Nmap XML or CSV file.
- Automatic webserver identification.
- Screenshots & Google dorking using Chrome.
- Threaded bruteforcing & scraping across many hosts simultaneously.
- Configurable thread limit & timeouts; capable of making 300+ HTTP requests/second.
- Results are sent to Burp/ZAP and written to a CSV file.
- 10+ targets
- 50+ targets
- 100+ targets
- 300+ targets
- 1000+ targets
Ungoliant has the following dependencies:
- golang.org/x/net/html
To fetch the dependencies and build the program, just do:
$ git clone https://github.com/ofasgard/ungoliant
$ cd ungoliant
$ go get -d
$ go build
For some features like screenshots and Google dorking, you'll need to have Google Chrome installed.
Ungoliant v1.0.0
USAGE: bin/ungoliant <xml/csv file> <proxy IP> <proxy port>
Optional Flags:
--threads <num> The maximum number of threads per host. [DEFAULT: 10]
--timeout <secs> The timeout value (in seconds) for each request. [DEFAULT: 10]
--wordlist <file> A path to a wordlist file for directory bruteforcing. [DEFAULT: "res/dirb.txt"]
--dork-depth <num> How many pages of Google results to scrape per host (requires Chrome). [DEFAULT: 3]
--chrome-path <path> Manually specify the location of the Chrome executable (used for screenshots and dorking).
Example: bin/ungoliant --timeout 10 nmap_results.xml 8080
$ bin/ungoliant test.csv
Ungoliant v1.0.0
[Start time] 25 May 2020 10:41:42
[Wordlist] 4620 words
[Max threads] 10
[Request timeout] 10 seconds
[Chrome Path] /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable
[+] Parsing 'test.csv'...
[!] Identified 179 open ports.
[+] Checking for HTTP and HTTPS web servers...
[!] Found 162 HTTP(S) servers.
[+] Taking screenshots of identified web servers...
[+] Testing NOT_FOUND detection...
[!] Of the original 162 hosts, identified heuristics for 162 of them.
[+] Attempting to Google dork each host...
[!] Retrieved 40 URLs for target.net.
[!] Retrieved 8 URLs for target2.net.
[+] Performing directory bruteforce on targets...
...572 completed, 0 errors
...1358 completed, 0 errors
...2154 completed, 0 errors
...2837 completed, 0 errors
...3537 completed, 0 errors
...4210 completed, 0 errors
$ bin/ungoliant --threads 100 --timeout 100 test.xml
GNU GPL v3.0 © Callum Murphy