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Map4RDF Installation Guide
You should make sure to have the following installed on your computer before starting the installation of Map4RDF:
- Java JDK 1.7 or later
- GitHub (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git)
- To generate a SSH keys and add in into your github account: (https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys)
- Maven (http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
- Tomcat 7.0 or later
The Map4RDF source code can be obtained with the following command:
git clone git@github.com:oeg-upm/map4rdf.git
To download a branch:
git clone -b <branch name> git@github.com:oeg-upm/map4rdf.git
For example: git clone -b master git@github.com:oeg-upm/map4rdf.git
Go to: https://github.com/oeg-upm/map4rdf
Select a branch (Recommended master).
Download it (click in a "Download Zip" button).
Open a command line window in the Map4RDF download folder. Execute:
mvn clean installIf there are no errors during compilation, you can continue.
There are two options to deploy Map4RDF in a Tomcat server. You can either copy the folder that is generated during the installation into the Tomcat server webapps folder, or deploy using a war file (recommended).
If you want to deploy directly by copying the Map4RDF installation folder, use the following sequence of operations:
- In the Map4RDF installation folder enter into the “target” folder.
- Copy the folder map4rdf-<version>-OL-SNAPSHOT into a “webapps” folder in tomcat server.
- Go to: <name-server>:<port>/manager
- In deploy section, click on select file, and select the map4RDF-<version>-OL-SNAPSHOT.war file that is available in the folder <Map4RDF folder>/target
- Click on the deploy button.
There are plenty of properties that can be configured in order to have a Map4RDF installation working. Normally, it should suffice with the first set of core properties that come by default in the configuration file available in the installation.
Map4RDF have the option to add different instances in the same web application, the file that include this instances is the next:
The configuration.properties file for Map4RDF is located at the following folder:
<tomcat-folder>/webapps/<map4RDF folder>/WEB-INF/
This file include the different instances of Map4RDF. Each line is a different instance. Example of file:
geolinkeddata=geolinkeddata.properties aemet=aemet.properties crtm=crtm.properties
The structure is the next: "ID=FILE".
- The ID is the identifier for this instance you can access directly visiting the next URL:
- The FILE is a properties file with the configuration of the instance. This file are in "<tomcat-folder>/webapps/<map4RDF folder>/WEB-INF/configurations/" folder.
The each instance file include the following parameters:
configuration.description |
This parameter is a array of String with language. Each value of this array is separated by a ";" symbol. Example: Configuracion para geolinkeddata@es;Geolinkeddata's configuration@en;Geolinkeddata's configuration. Language is defined by ISO-639-1 and ISO-3166-1 standards. Examples of language (Separated by commas): es_es, es, en, en_us. This description appear on map4rdf start webpage (if you do not specify configuraction). |
configuration.ui.image |
This parameter is a image file. The image file is located on "logos/descriptions" folder under map4rdf webapp folder. This image appear on map4rdf start webpage (if you do not specify configuration). |
configuration.labels |
This parameter is a label for this configuration. This parameter is a array of String with language. Each value of this array is separated by a ";" symbol. Example: Configuracion para geolinkeddata@es;Geolinkeddata's configuration@en;Geolinkeddata's configuration. Language is defined by ISO-639-1 and ISO-3166-1 standards. Examples of language (Separated by commas): es_es, es, en, en_us. This label appear on map4rdf start webpage (if you do not specify configuration). |
endpoint.url.generic | The SPARQL endpoint where the data to be visualized is available. This endpoint not include filters for GeoSPARQL standard (http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql). In this endpoint will not apply GeoSPARQL filters (Map4RDF will use normal latitud-longitude filter) |
endpoint.url.geosparql | The SPARQL endpoint where the data to be visualized is available. This endpoint include filters of GeoSPARQL standard (http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql). In this endpoint will apply GeoSPARQL filters depending of "geometry.model" parameter. If you specified "endpoint.url.generic" and specified this parameter, map4rdf will apply filters on the specified endpoint in this parameter and will ask labels, wikipedia page, etc... at the endpoint specified by "endpoint.url.generic". |
geometry.model |
One of the following: OEG, GEOSPARQL_VIRTUOSO, GEOSPARQL_STRABON, DBPEDIA, VCARD. We expect that these models will be changing in time according to the representation model that will be more widespread in the future. The different between GEOSPARQL_VIRTUOSO and GEOSPARQL_STRABON is the GeoSPARQL filter, Strabon endpoint use other filter than Virtuoso endpoint. |
ui.google_maps_api_key | The API Key V3 provided by the Google Maps API, which can be obtained as described in: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial#api_key |
ui.logo_src | This is a image file, is the logotype that appear at the left side on top bar (of this bar) (This logotype appear after configuration is selected). This image is located on "logos" folder under map4rdf webapp. |
ui.draw_colours.by |
This parameter specified the model to select colour for draw geometries. This can be either FACET or LABEL. FACET value will select colour by the same resource facet (The geometries with the same facet have the same colour). LABEL value will select colour by the same resource label (The geometries with the same label have the same colour). Nowadays Map4RDF has a palette of 11 different colours. |
facets.automatic |
This can be either true or false:
facets.file | This is the file that specified the facets. This file need be (and will exist) in "WEB-INF/facets" folder under map4rdf webapp folder. This file is in TTL serialization. See the facets.ttl file section for more information on how to configure the facets to be shown. |
edit_depth | When the edit mode for resources is enabled, it indicates the depth of the resource edit mode |
rdf_store_path | This is the path where the RDF generated through the editions on the edit mode are stored |
spherical_mercator |
It indicates the type of map to be shown. It can be either true or false:
default_projection |
It indicates the default projection for those points that do not have an explicit projection (e.g., EPSG:4326)
More information on projections at: http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/ |
map_default_center |
Two coordinates separated with “,” (first Longitude and then Latitude). Example: map_default_center=-3.703637,40.416645 |
map_zoom_level |
Level of map zoom. Example: map_zoom_level=6 |
route_service_timeout_ms | Timeout in milliseconds for the routes service (when using the CartoCiudad service) to search for a route. If time expires, Map4RDF uses the Google route service. The CartoCiudad route service can be disabled by putting 0. |
summary_widgets |
Ordered (clockwise) list of widgets to present as a summary of each point in the map. For example, summary_widgets =info;wikipedia;buffer;twitter;close;edit;routes;rdf;statistics;type:2
The following widgets are currently available:
statistics_service_url | This is the base URL of the statistics service, in case that we want to use it (e.g., statistics_service_url=http://linkeddata2.dia.fi.upm.es:8080/stat/services/) |
twitter_status_url | Base URL to generate a twitter status (e.g., twitter_status_url=http://twitter.com/?status=) |
additional_info |
Link to the additional properties files to add in to the info widget.
If you want not to use additional info put in configuration.properties this parameter: “additional_info= “ (Space after parameter). Example: additional_info=bikes.properties;other.properties See Additional Info Files section for more information. |
spherical_maps |
This property is for spherical_mercator=true
In this property you specify the files to include into application. Each file is a one map. Single Map Configuration will be seen later. The specific files need found in /WEB-INF/maps/spherical_maps/ Example: spherical_maps=openstreet.properties;google_normal.properties In this example these files exists: WEB-INF/maps/spherical_maps/openstreet.properties WEB-INF/maps/spherical_maps/google_normal.properties |
flat_maps |
This property is for spherical_mercator=false In this property you specify the files to include into application. Each file is a one map. Single Map Configuration will be seen later. The specific files need found in /WEB-INF/ maps/flat_maps/ Example: flat_maps=idee_todas.properties;cartociudad_todas.properties In this example these files exists: WEB-INF/maps/flat_maps/idee_todas.properties WEB-INF/maps/flat_maps/cartociudad_todas.properties |
Additional info files are used to provide very specific types of visualisations for some specific types of information that we may want to present in a Map4RDF installation.
The files that are specified in the additional_info parameter must exist in the folder WEB-INF/additional_info. For example if you specify “additional_info=bikes.properties”, then the file WEB-INF/additional_info/bikes.properties must exist.
The following parameters must be provided in such a file:
endpoint.url | This parameter specific the endpoint url and parameters to include the query in URL and do the query. Example: http://streams.linkeddata.es/citybikes/sparqlstream?query= |
query |
This parameter specific the query for the endpoint.
You can use reserved words for application. The application replace this words for a specific param of marked resource.The reserved words are: !RESOURCE! This is the URI of marked resource. Please remove all ‘\b’,‘\n’ and ‘\r’ characters (“New line” characters). Example (This example have "New line" characters): PREFIX ssn: <http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn#> PREFIX qudt: <http://data.nasa.gov/qudt/owl/qudt#> PREFIX bicy: <http://transporte.linkeddata.es/ontology/> PREFIX time: <http://www.w3.org/2006/time#> PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> SELECT ?avbikes ?freeslots ?tstamp ?obs ?av FROM NAMED STREAM <http://transporte.linkeddata.es/ontology/CityBikes.srdf> [NOW - 300 S] WHERE { ?obs a bicy:FreeBikesObservation. ?obs bicy:inStation <!RESOURCE!>. ?obs ssn:observationResult ?output. ?output bicy:hasAvailableBikesValue ?av. ?av qudt:numericValue ?avbikes. ?output bicy:hasFreeSlotsValue ?fs. ?fs qudt:numericValue ?freeslots. ?obs ssn:observationResultTime ?i . ?i time:inXSDDateTime ?tstamp. } |
input_parameters |
This parameter specific the reserved works use in query parameter.
If you for example use !RESOURCE! you need to specific in this parameter that use this word. Example: input_parameters=!RESOURCE! |
parameters_and_labels |
This parameter specific the output parameter of sparql endpoint (Response) and labels for each output parameter to use in info of resource. For specific an output parameter use the next template: OUTPUT_PARAMETER_1:LABELS_1#OUTPUT_PARAMETER_2:LABELS_2 Labels use the next template: LABEL_1@LANGUAGE_1;LABEL_2@LANGUAGE_2 Each parameter need to be separated with “#” character. Each label need to be separated with “;” character. Example: parameters_and_labels=avbikes:Available Bikes@en;Bicicletas disponibles@es#freeslots:Huecos libres@es;Free slots@en#tstamp:Hora de la medición@es;Time stamp@en |
The next parameters are for functionality of images limit.
has_images_limit | This parameter dont need exist. This parameter specifies whether this additional info file use the functionality of images limit. Valid values: true, false. Example:has_images_limit=true |
images_limit_parameter | This parameter need exist if has_images_limit=true. This parameter specific the variable to analyze and use the functionality of images limit. Example:images_limit_parameter=avbikes |
images_limit | This parameter need exist if has_images_limit=true. This parameter specific the inferior and superior limit for put a difference images. This parameter need to have 2 doubles separated with “;”. Example: images_limit=3;6 |
images | This parameter need exist if has_images_limit=true. This parameter specific the different images to use this functionality. This parameter need to have 3 names of images files separated with ”;”. This images files need to be in es.upm.fi.dia.oeg.map4rdf.map4rdf folder (this folder are in app folder). The images need to have 35px X 35px size. Example:images=bikes_red.png;bikes_yellow.png;bikes_green.png |
The functionality of image limit are:
if(images_limit_parameter < images_limit[0]){ use(images[0]); } if(images_limit_parameter > images_limit[1]){ use(images[2]); } if(images_limit_parameter >= images_limit[0] && images_limit_parameter <= images_limit[1]){ use(images[1]); }
All parameters in this file need to be specific each one in one line.
The facets.ttl file needs to be non-empty. This file specifies which are the predicates to be used to generate the facets that will appear in the left-hand side of Map4RDF.
An example of basic facets ttl file that uses “rdf:type” as the predicate to use to generate facets (that is, it will use the concepts that have instances in the specified SPARQL endpoint):
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix map4rdf: <http://code.google.com/p/map4rdf/wiki/ontology#> . _:rdfTypeFacet a map4rdf:FacetGroup; map4rdf:facetPredicate rdf:type; rdfs:label "Type"@en; rdfs:label "Tipo"@es; .
An example of a more complex configuration of facets:
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix map4rdf: <http://code.google.com/p/map4rdf/wiki/ontology#> . _:rdfTypeFacetAire a map4rdf:FacetGroup; map4rdf:facetPredicate rdf:type; rdfs:label "Air"@en; rdfs:label "Aire"@es; map4rdf:facet <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Aeropuerto>; map4rdf:facet <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Aer%C3%B3dromo>; map4rdf:facet <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Aeroclub>; . _:rdfTypeFacetTierra a map4rdf:FacetGroup; map4rdf:facetPredicate rdf:type; rdfs:label "Sand"@en; rdfs:label "Tierra"@es; map4rdf:facet <http://phenomenontology.linkeddata.es/ontology/Catedral>; map4rdf:facet <http://phenomenontology.linkeddata.es/ontology/Ruinas>; map4rdf:facet <http://phenomenontology.linkeddata.es/ontology/Cueva>; . _:rdfTypeFacetAgua a map4rdf:FacetGroup; map4rdf:facetPredicate rdf:type; rdfs:label "Aqua"@en; rdfs:label "Agua"@es; map4rdf:facet <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/R%C3%ADo>; map4rdf:facet <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Arroyo>; map4rdf:facet <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Embalse>; . <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/R%C3%ADo> rdfs:label "Río"@es; rdfs:label "River"@en; . <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Arroyo> rdfs:label "Arroyo"@es; rdfs:label "Stream"@en; . <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Embalse> rdfs:label "Reservoir"@en; rdfs:label "Embalse"@es; . <http://phenomenontology.linkeddata.es/ontology/Catedral> rdfs:label "Catedral"@en; . <http://phenomenontology.linkeddata.es/ontology/Cueva> rdfs:label "Coves"@en; rdfs:label "Cueva"@es; . <http://phenomenontology.linkeddata.es/ontology/Ruinas> rdfs:label "Ruinas"@es; rdfs:label "Ruins"@en; . <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Aeropuerto> rdfs:label "Airport"@en; rdfs:label "Aeropuerto"@es; . <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Aer%C3%B3dromo> rdfs:label "Aerodrome"@en; rdfs:label "Aeródromo"@es; . <http://geo.linkeddata.es/ontology/Aeroclub> rdfs:label "Aeroclub"@en; .
This file specific a 3 box of facet type and 3 facets in each box.
Facets need to be defined in the file.
If facets.automatic = true , the application search in endpoint the facetPredicate “rdf:type”; for each box. This option is for endpoints that have more than one facetPredicate type and find all.
Example image of this facets ttl file with facets.automatic=false (Browser language is spanish (@es)):
Single Map Configuration:
url |
This property is for WMS and OSM map type, specify the service url to obtain images. In WMS type is obligatory and in OSM type is optional (Use default OSM service). Example in OSM: url=http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/${z}/${x}/${y}.png Example in WMS: url=http://www.idee.es/wms-c/IDEE-Base/IDEE-Base |
labels |
This property specific the labels for client. Is the name that appear in right-up corner of the map. Labels use the next template: LABEL_1@LANGUAGE_1;LABEL_2@LANGUAGE_2 Each label separated with “;” character. Example: labels=Open Street Mapas@es;Open Street Maps@en |
type |
This property specify the type of map service. This property have 3 possible values: WMS => WMS map service OSM => OSM map service Google => Google map service Example: type=OSM |
layers |
This property is for WMS type, specify the layer that can be use. In service URL include the param for this specific layer. Each WMS service has it owns layers. Example: layers=IGNBaseTodo url=http://www.ign.es/wms-inspire/ign-base |
attribution |
This property include the text(as HTML) to the right-down corner in map. Example: attribution=Maps provided by <a href =\"http://www.idee.es/"> IDEE </a> |
set_resolutions |
This property is a boolean that specify if application set his resolutions in map or use default value. Example: set_resolutions=true |
projection |
This property specify EPSG projection that use the map. See the next link for available EPSGs: http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/ Example: projection=EPSG:4258 |
set_max_extends |
This property is a boolean that specify if application set his bounds in map or use default value. Example: set_max_extends=true |
format |
This property specify the image output format in WMS type. Only WMS type. Example: format=image/png |
transition_effect |
This property specify if the application set the transition effect: “RESIZE” or not. Is a boolean. Example: transition_effect=true |
zoom_levels |
This property specify the maximum zoom levels for the map. Is a integer. Example: zoom_levels=20 |
gtype |
This property specify the Map Google type (in version 3). Only for Google type. The available types are: G_HYBRID_MAP G_NORMAL_MAP G_SATELLITE_MAP G_TERRAIN_MAP See google documentation for further information. Example: gtype=G_NORMAL_MAP |
spherical_mercator |
This property is only for OSM and Google type, specify if the map is spheric. Is a boolean. Example: spherical_mercator=true |
If you use other Spatial Reference different to WGS84 (EPSG:4326) or ED50 (EPSG:23030) for your geometries you need to modify index.jsp and add a javascript.
Go to the webpage:
Search the projection and get the proj4js script (Click on "Proj4js format").
Example (ETRS89, EPSG:4258):
With this URL add the next line at index.jsp (Replace URL):
<script type="text/javascript" src="URL"></script>
Example with the URL replaced:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/23030/proj4js/"></script>