This python file contains the necessary code to convert annotated data in Brat format to BIO format.
The files must be in a specific structure. The directory dataset must contain at least one set (train, dev, test). Each set directory must contain two main directories:
First one with the text files (raw data)
Second one with the file with the annotation. Only one file with all the annotations. The structure of this file is as follows (each column is sep by a tab, so the pandas.DataFrame is readed as a tsv):
filename mark label off0 off1 span f1_example T1 HUMAN 112 118 hombre f1_example T2 HUMAN 1025 1033 paciente f2_example T1 HUMAN 112 118 mujer f3_example T1 SPECIE 1025 1033 coronavirus
Example of dataset organization for a dataset called 'cantemist', Each set has a directory 'text-files' with the raw data and a directory 'cantemist-ner' where the annotated data is located.
└── cantemist
├── train-set
│ ├── cantemist-ner
│ │ └── ner_annotations.tsv
│ └── text-files
│ ├── text-file_1.txt
│ ├── text-file_2.txt
│ └── ...
├── dev-set
│ ├── cantemist-ner
│ │ └── ner_annotations.tsv
│ └── text-files
│ ├── text-file_1.txt
│ ├── text-file_2.txt
│ └── ...
└── test-set
├── cantemist-ner
│ └── ner_annotations.tsv
└── text-files
├── text-file_1.txt
├── text-file_2.txt
└── ...
The requirements are already in the requirements.txt file:
python <path-to-dataset> -tr <train-set-dir-name> \
-de <dev-set-dir-name> -te <test-set-dir-name> -txt <text-files-dir-name> \
-an <annotations-dir-name> -hd <list-of-columns> -sn <output-dir> \
-n <number-of-process>
Example from the dataset tree in above:
- Dataset: "/home/carlos/datasets/cantemist"
- Train: "train-set"
- Evaluation: "dev-set"
- Test: "test-set"
- Text files: "text-files"
- Annotations: "cantemist-ner"
- Header: "filename,mark,label,off0,off1,span"
- Output file: "processed_data",
- Number of processes: "8"
Example command:
python /home/carlos/datasets/cantemist -tr train-set \
-de dev-set -te test-set -txt text-files -an cantemist-ner \
-hd filename,mark,label,off0,off1,span -sn processed_data -n 8