- Manage Members and Roles
- Cards Against Discord! chat game(cards against humanity with user input answers)
- User Economy, simple integration to any Cog/Command
- Easily extendable with an included Base Cog you can use as a template
- Jokes, Movies, Magic the Gathering, 8 Ball ect.
- Well documented / beginner-friendly.
- Server chat history backup command
- .ping: Prints the bots ping in ms
- .kick: Kicks target member
- .ban: Bans target member
- .unban: Unbans target member
- .list_channels: Pulls all of the guild channels and displays them in an Embed message
- .emojis: Print the total emojis available to the Guild
- .server_birthday: Prints the date the Guild was created at
- .members: Prints all of the members on the server
- .boosters: Print the server boosters of the guild and date they started boosting
- .member_count: Prints the # of members
- .8ball: Ask it a question!
- .flip: Whats the most you ever lost in a coin toss?
- .joke: Tells a joke
- .chuck: Tells a Chuck Noris FACT
- .magicians: Displays random Magicians gif
- .mtg: Magic The Gathering card data from magicthegathering.io/scryfall
- .mtg_art: Magic The Gathering card art from magicthegathering.io/scryfall
- .movie: Displays a movies plot/rating/trailer
- .sindarin: Translates message into Elvish(Sindarin)
- .spotify: Shares what you are listening to on Spotify
- .deflect: Displays a random deflect gif
- .cocktail: Displays a random cocktail recipe from CocktailDB
- .stream: Streams a url / search from YouTube Soundcloud etc.
- .volume: Sets the bot volume percentage
- .join: Have the bot join your voice channel
- .stop: Cancels audio and disconnects bot from voice
- .balance: Prints the balance in the users account
- .add: Adds money to users account
- .sub: Removes money from users account
- .guess: Guess a number 1-100, win money! (Internal Economy)
- .beg: Beg for a small amount of cash to be deposited to your account
- .bet: Simple game: 1% chance for 8x, 30% chance for 2x payout
- .steal: Attempt to steal $150 from a members account
- .game_join: Prints the bots ping in ms
- .game_start: Prints the bots ping in ms
- .vote: Prints the bots ping in ms
More info - https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ext/commands/cogs.html
If you would like to extend the bot and add more functionality you can easily add your own Cog. I have included a base_cog.py file you can use to get started. The process for adding a cog is very straghtforward and made especially easy with this base file.
Create a new .py file in the [cogs] directory. You may choose a relevant name.
cd cogs && touch new_cog.py
Copy the contents of base_cog.py to your file
cp base_cog.py new_cog.py
Rename Base_New_Cog to the name you want your cog class to have. There will be 2 references to update
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
| rename |
v v
class Base_New_Cog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self,bot):
self.bot = bot
def setup(bot): | rename |
v v
Add your Cog to
extensions list near top of file. Don't forget the comma! -
Congrats! You have created your own Cog. Add commands and functionality and have fun!
- Refine Broad Exceptions
- Add Music player Queue Functionality
- Add more games to the bot
- Implement Tests
- Add more Admin functions(channel management, role management)
- Implement Rate Limits on some commands
- Improve the code with the help of the community!
If anyone is interested in helping feel free to submit a PR or reach out to me on discord @ Uhhhhknown#1823. I am looking to learn and grow as well as help out when I can. Thanks!