A collection of scripts, mostly in python, to perform common tasks (generally within FreeCAD).
Copy the desired macro file in a folder in your path.
Run the macro either within the relvant application or make it executable and add the #! (interpreter) on the top row.
To create and modify easily common 2D profiles for beams or other tasks.
Integration in FreeCAD for the python module "anastruct". To draw forces/moment diagrams of planar structures with 2D loads.
A general purpose utility to measure distances on screen and convert it to the desired unit-per-pixel. It's written in python3/PyQt5 and it's executable independently.
An handy macro to move beams and pipes (and not only) around the viewport of FreeCAD. Click to grab. Ctrl+click to drop. Ctrl+move to hold. Three modes of anchoring available.