mboct-mbdyn-pkg belongs to a suite of packages which can be used for pre- and postprocessing of MBDyn models (https://www.mbdyn.org) with GNU-Octave (http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/). This package provides interfaces between the multibody dynamics software MBDyn and the GNU Octave programming language.
- Generate MBDyn input files for arbitrary curved beam structures represented by Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS).
- Generate MBDyn input files for modal elements based on Finite Element models.
- Run the multibody dynamics solver MBDyn.
- Load output files from MBDyn.
- Compute inertia properties of groups of several rigid and flexible bodies.
- Compute frequency response functions of linearized equations of motion.
- Scale elastic deformations of flexible bodies for post-processing.
- Do post-processing of elastohydrodynamic bearing data from MBDyn.
Copyright© 2019-2021
The following code is an example how mboct-mbdyn-pkg can be installed on an Ubuntu system:
sudo apt-get install octave liboctave-dev libsuitesparse-dev libarpack2-dev libmumps-seq-dev libmetis-dev octave-nurbs libmkl-full-dev
git clone -b develop https://public.gitlab.polimi.it/DAER/mbdyn.git
pushd mbdyn
./configure --with-static-modules --enable-octave --enable-sparse_autodiff --enable-autodiff --disable-Werror CXXFLAGS="-O3 -Wall -march=native" CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include/suitesparse --with-arpack --with-umfpack --without-metis
make -j4
sudo make install
git clone -b master https://github.com/octave-user/mboct-octave-pkg.git
make -C mboct-octave-pkg install_local
git clone -b master https://github.com/octave-user/mboct-numerical-pkg.git
make -C mboct-numerical-pkg install_local
git clone -b master https://github.com/octave-user/mboct-mbdyn-pkg.git
make -C mboct-mbdyn-pkg install_local
- Follow the instructions on (http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) to install GNU Octave.
- Make sure, that
is installed.
mkoctfile --version
- Clone the source tree of MBDyn.
git clone https://public.gitlab.polimi.it/DAER/mbdyn.git -b develop
- Compile and install MBDyn.
cd mbdyn
./configure CXXFLAGS=-O3 --enable-octave --enable-autodiff --with-static-modules --with-umfpack
make install
- Make sure that the GNU Octave nurbs package is installed.
octave --eval 'pkg install -forge nurbs'
- Install the following packages from github.
for pkg in octave mbdyn; do
git clone https://github.com/octave-user/mboct-${pkg}-pkg.git && make -C mboct-${pkg}-pkg install_local
- Run Octave.
- At the Octave prompt load the package.
pkg load mboct-mbdyn-pkg
- At the Octave prompt execute a demo.
demo mbdyn_post_ehd_load_output