balanz is an OpenSource initiative focused on providing smart charging capabilities to enterprises with own charger deployments.
balanz may be deployed either as an OCPP Local Controller (LC) taking care of Smart Charging functions while delegating remaining functions to a Central System (CS), or as a simplistic full CS. balanz supports OCPP version 1.6J.
Apart from the main backend part, balanz, additional repositories will host a simple OCPP simulator, ocppsim, a UI, etc.
balanz is developed and maintained by Jens Vedel Markussen,
January 2025 balanz and ocppsim are functionally complete at the level planned for the first release. Further testing and documentation is outstanding before the repositories will be made public.
February 2025 balanz published. Docs are complete in first version while (automated) testing is lacking. Next steps are automated testing.
March 2025 balanz maturing, though still officially alpha. Initial rough version of UI made public.