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tests #1550

Workflow file for this run

# This file describes building and testing of Dear ImGui along with variety of examples and backends.
# Tested platforms:
# * Windows
# * Linux
# * MacOS
# Tested branches:
# * master
# * docking
# To save time and resources only linux builds/tests run on push. MacOS and Windows builds and tests
# are triggered daily (see scheduled.yml).
# Builds of platforms not tested by default may be requested by adding a hint to commit message.
# String may appear anywhere in commit message, caps are important.
# Supported build hints:
# * [build windows]: include full Windows builds (including x86), even if they were otherwise disabled.
# * [build linux]: include full Linux builds, even if they were otherwise disabled.
# * [build macos]: include full MacOS builds, even if they were otherwise disabled.
# * [full ci]: perform full CI builds/tests.
# * [skip ci]: do not perform CI builds at all. (handled by GitHub Actions)
# Following repository secrets can be used to configure builds. These keys can contain a list of
# windows/linux/macos values (separated by spaces or commas or slashes, it does not matter). Note that not configuring
# these secrets will opt in for default behavior (which is described in comments, next to "Environment" step of each
# build job). It is possible to opt out of default behavior by setting these values to _something_. For example, in
# order to disable MacOS tests complete, we could set TEST_ALWAYS and TEST_SCHEDULED secrets to "none". Non-empty values
# opt out from default behavior, and since "none" is not a name of any platform - no tests will be run on MacOS.
# * BUILD_ALWAYS: platforms listed in this secret will be built on each push/pull-request.
# * BUILD_SCHEDULED: platforms listed in this secret will be built daily, in a scheduled job.
# * TEST_ALWAYS: platforms listed in this secret will be run tests on each push/pull-request.
# * TEST_SCHEDULED: platforms listed in this secret will be run tests daily, in a scheduled job.
name: tests
# Use a workflow as a trigger of scheduled builds. Forked repositories can disable scheduled builds by disabling
# "scheduled" workflow, while maintaining ability to perform local CI builds.
- scheduled
- main
- requested
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
SHOULD_BUILD_EXTENDED: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_run' || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') }}
if: |
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[build linux]') ||
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
fail-fast: false
- master
- docking
# FIXME: This is an ugly workaround for github actions being unable to terminate jobs from a step early without
# failing entire job and us having no access to matrix.branch one level above to avoid running job entirely.
- name: Environment
shell: bash
# Build when:
# * BUILD_ALWAYS and BUILD_SCHEDULED are not configured (include by default)
# * BUILD_ALWAYS requests linux builds
# * BUILD_SCHEDULED requests linux builds and build is scheduled by "scheduled" workflow
# * [full ci] tag is present in commit message
# Test when:
# * TEST_ALWAYS and TEST_SCHEDULED are not configured (include by default)
# * TEST_ALWAYS requests linux tests
# * TEST_SCHEDULED requests linux tests and build is scheduled by "scheduled" workflow
# * [full ci] tag is present in commit message
run: |
echo 'SHOULD_BUILD=${{
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
(env.BUILD_ALWAYS == '' && env.BUILD_SCHEDULED == '') ||
contains(env.BUILD_ALWAYS, 'linux') ||
contains(env.BUILD_SCHEDULED, 'linux') &&
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'SHOULD_TEST=${{
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
(env.TEST_ALWAYS == '' && env.TEST_SCHEDULED == '') ||
contains(env.TEST_ALWAYS, 'linux') ||
contains(env.TEST_SCHEDULED, 'linux') &&
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
fetch-depth: 1
submodules: recursive
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
fetch-depth: 1
repository: ocornut/imgui
ref: ${{ matrix.branch }}
- name: Install Dependencies
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libglfw3-dev libsdl2-dev
- name: Build (with SDL2)
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_BUILD_EXTENDED == 'true'
run: |
make -C imgui_test_suite/ clean
CFLAGS=-Werror make -C imgui_test_suite/ -j$(nproc) BACKEND_LIB=sdl2 IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_IMPLOT=0
- name: Build (with GLFW3)
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_BUILD_EXTENDED == 'true'
run: |
make -C imgui_test_suite/ clean
CFLAGS=-Werror make -C imgui_test_suite/ -j$(nproc) BACKEND_LIB=glfw3 IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_IMPLOT=0
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_BUILD_EXTENDED == 'true'
run: |
mv imgui_test_suite/thirdparty/implot ./implot-hidden
echo '#include "imgui_test_suite_imconfig.h"' > imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite_imconfig_temp.h
echo '#undef IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_IMPLOT' >> imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite_imconfig_temp.h
echo '#define IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_IMPLOT 0' >> imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite_imconfig_temp.h
echo '#undef IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_DISABLE_STD_FUNCTION' >> imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite_imconfig_temp.h
echo '#define IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_DISABLE_STD_FUNCTION 0' >> imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite_imconfig_temp.h
make -C imgui_test_suite/ clean
CFLAGS=-Werror make -C imgui_test_suite/ -j$(nproc) IMGUI_USER_CONFIG=imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite_imconfig_temp.h IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_IMPLOT=0
mv ./implot-hidden imgui_test_suite/thirdparty/implot
- name: Build imgui_capture_tool
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && (env.SHOULD_BUILD_EXTENDED == 'true' || matrix.branch == 'master')
shell: bash
run: |
echo '#define IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_COROUTINE_STDTHREAD_IMPL 1' > capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "../imgui/imgui.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "../imgui/imgui_demo.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "../imgui/imgui_draw.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "../imgui/imgui_tables.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "../imgui/imgui_widgets.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "../imgui/examples/example_null/main.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "imgui_test_engine/imgui_capture_tool.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
echo '#include "imgui_test_engine/imgui_te_utils.cpp"' >> capture_tool_single_file.cpp
g++ -o capture_tool_single_file -I. -I../imgui capture_tool_single_file.cpp -lm -lstdc++ -lpthread
rm -f capture_tool_single_file capture_tool_single_file.*
- name: Build imgui_test_suite
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
run: |
make -C imgui_test_suite/ clean
CFLAGS=-Werror make -C imgui_test_suite/ -j$(nproc) ASAN=1 IMGUI_OPTIMIZE=1
- name: Run Tests
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_TEST == 'true'
# capture_implot_demo alone takes about 60s to run on CI worker therefore it is disabled to save time.
run: |
timeout 300 imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite -nogui -nopause -v2 -ve4 tests,-capture_implot_demo
- name: Run Viewport Tests
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_TEST == 'true' && matrix.branch == 'docking'
run: |
timeout 300 imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite -nogui -nopause -v2 -ve4 -viewport-mock viewport
# MacOS minutes are expensive (x10) for private repo so reduce the amount of tests running there for now.
# Builds are performed only for docking branch and tests are only performed daily or on request.
runs-on: macos-latest
if: |
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[build macos]') ||
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
fail-fast: false
branch: [docking]
# FIXME: This is an ugly workaround for github actions being unable to terminate jobs from a step early without
# failing entire job and us having no access to matrix.branch one level above to avoid running job entirely.
- name: Environment
shell: bash
# Build when:
# * BUILD_ALWAYS and BUILD_SCHEDULED are not configured (include by default)
# * BUILD_ALWAYS requests macos builds
# * BUILD_SCHEDULED requests macos builds and build is scheduled by "scheduled" workflow
# * [full ci] tag is present in commit message
# Test when:
# * TEST_ALWAYS requests macos tests
# * TEST_SCHEDULED requests macos tests and build is scheduled by "scheduled" workflow
# * [full ci] tag is present in commit message
run: |
echo 'SHOULD_BUILD=${{
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
(env.BUILD_ALWAYS == '' && env.BUILD_SCHEDULED == '') ||
contains(env.BUILD_ALWAYS, 'macos') ||
contains(env.BUILD_SCHEDULED, 'macos') &&
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'SHOULD_TEST=${{
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
contains(env.TEST_ALWAYS, 'macos') ||
contains(env.TEST_SCHEDULED, 'macos') &&
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
fetch-depth: 1
submodules: recursive
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
fetch-depth: 1
repository: ocornut/imgui
ref: ${{ matrix.branch }}
- name: Build
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
run: |
CFLAGS=-Werror make -C imgui_test_suite/ -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) ASAN=1
- name: Run Tests
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_TEST == 'true'
run: |
imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite -nogui -nopause -v2 -ve4 tests
- name: Run Viewport Tests
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_TEST == 'true' && matrix.branch == 'docking'
run: |
imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite -nogui -nopause -v2 -ve4 -viewport-mock viewport
# Windows minutes are a little expensive (x2) for private repo so reduce the amount of tests running there for now.
# Builds and tests are performed only for docking branch and x64 arch. Daily builds also include x86.
runs-on: windows-2022
VS_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\
MSBUILD_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\
if: |
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[build windows]') ||
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
fail-fast: false
branch: [docking]
arch: [Win32, x64]
# FIXME: This is an ugly workaround for github actions being unable to terminate jobs from a step early without
# failing entire job and us having no access to matrix.branch one level above to avoid running job entirely.
- name: Environment
shell: bash
# Build when:
# * BUILD_ALWAYS and BUILD_SCHEDULED are not configured (include by default, only x64 builds on push/pull_request, all archs on scheduled build)
# * BUILD_ALWAYS requests windows builds
# * BUILD_SCHEDULED requests windows builds and build is scheduled by "scheduled" workflow
# Test when:
# * TEST_ALWAYS and TEST_SCHEDULED are not configured (include by default)
# * TEST_ALWAYS requests windows tests
# * TEST_SCHEDULED requests windows tests and build is scheduled by "scheduled" workflow
# * [full ci] tag is present in commit message
run: |
echo 'SHOULD_BUILD=${{
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
env.BUILD_ALWAYS == '' && env.BUILD_SCHEDULED == '' &&
github.event_name == 'workflow_run' ||
matrix.arch == 'x64'
) ||
contains(env.BUILD_ALWAYS, 'windows') ||
github.event_name == 'workflow_run' &&
contains(env.BUILD_SCHEDULED, 'windows')
}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'SHOULD_TEST=${{
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[full ci]') ||
contains(env.TEST_ALWAYS, 'windows') ||
contains(env.TEST_SCHEDULED, 'windows') &&
github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
fetch-depth: 1
submodules: recursive
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
fetch-depth: 1
repository: ocornut/imgui
ref: ${{ matrix.branch }}
- name: Fix Projects
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
shell: powershell
run: |
# WARNING: This will need updating if toolset/sdk change in project files!
gci -recurse -filter "*.vcxproj" | ForEach-Object {
# Fix SDK and toolset for most samples.
(Get-Content $_.FullName) -Replace "<PlatformToolset>v110</PlatformToolset>","<PlatformToolset>v142</PlatformToolset>" | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName
(Get-Content $_.FullName) -Replace "<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>8.1</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>","<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.20348.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>" | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName
# Fix SDK and toolset for samples that require newer SDK/toolset. At the moment it is only dx12.
(Get-Content $_.FullName) -Replace "<PlatformToolset>v140</PlatformToolset>","<PlatformToolset>v142</PlatformToolset>" | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName
(Get-Content $_.FullName) -Replace "<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.14393.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>","<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>10.0.20348.0</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>" | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName
- name: Build ${{ matrix.arch }} imgui_test_suite
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true'
shell: cmd
run: '"%MSBUILD_PATH%\MSBuild.exe" imgui_test_suite/imgui_test_suite.vcxproj /p:Platform=${{ matrix.arch }} /p:Configuration=Release /p:ClFlags=/WX -maxcpucount:%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%'
- name: Run Tests
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_TEST == 'true'
run: |
imgui_test_suite/Release/imgui_test_suite.exe -nogui -nopause -v2 -ve4 tests
- name: Run Viewport Tests
if: env.SHOULD_BUILD == 'true' && env.SHOULD_TEST == 'true' && matrix.branch == 'docking'
run: |
imgui_test_suite/Release/imgui_test_suite.exe -nogui -nopause -v2 -ve4 -viewport-mock viewport