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Releases: obsidiansystems/ledger-app-tezos


04 Jun 08:14
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Tezos Wallet

  • Add support for Nano X.
  • Show Blake2b hash of operation instead of generic "Sign Unverified" on more complex operations.

Tezos Baking

Note: Nano X is not supported yet.


  • Add new sign-with-hash APDU allowing clients to sanity check that the signatures are of the hash they expect.

This version is only available on Ledger Live.


04 Mar 17:16
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Tezos Baking

  • Support for a test HWM on test chains
  • New APDU instructions
    • setup
    • deauthorize ledger baking
    • get authorized path and curve
  • Bug fixes

In order to use the new APDU instructions with tezos-client you will need to update your tezos-client to a recent version of mainnet.

Backwards incompatible changes in Tezos Baking

  • Signing a self-delegation (register as delegate) used to imply authorize ledger to bake. This is no longer the case. You must now setup ledger to bake separately and register as delegate will only sign self-delegations for the authorized baking key. I.e. you must run setup before you can register as delegate with Tezos Baking. Of course you can use Tezos Wallet to sign any delegation without these restrictions.
  • register as delegate used to automatically reject self-delegations with a fee of more that 0.5tz. That is no longer the case. Instead the fee will be shown on the ledger as one of the confirmation screens.

Tezos Wallet

  • Bug fixes


  • New manual installation process. The README has been updated to reflect this.


Type Value
MD5 78e92291e3096932d2bbfab6ec879f13
SHA256 cbe0d193cc4645f65731ac6b740030a1b19b0dc6b2dc9017d64094fec965be0b
SHA512 2fd30684a57e853ccad275d090b74ea284cca341311e38310b4a926ad3349c8f7b4d767428dbd5fc98c0fc32c90652d58a4d6d60c836719acc1ad1471c6a7529


14 Jan 23:22
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Add support for confirming proposals and ballots.


Type Value
MD5 3abe52fb2b51d5077e01161ccfd67676
SHA256 45ad250bc1f55ab4fa5cf587bfc04934a1829cd94cfb051560d03f4a62f2afeb
SHA512 34d73161370db24201404ab7464940d3693ccbdc862f9dd3685501596f40fb18b5ea7321887833c896528941fde52ab9eccef61ce6e1b0b5009b471f4b08a1ba

Changes for Protocol 003

29 Nov 19:35
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The primary purpose of this release is to display the storage limit parameter of each parsed operation, instead of refusing to parse operations with non-zero storage limit. This change is necessary for the new protocol 003 because non-zero storage limits are now essential to commonplace operations like originations and new implicit accounts.

Additional changes to the display of the wallet app:

  • PKHs only scroll L->R for each appearance, rather than L->R->L, they repeat 3 times so you can still check them again
  • Amount and fees show up before accounts, as this is more urgently interesting information

Only the wallet app is affected by this account.

Version 1.4.0

02 Nov 16:52
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Tezos Wallet

  • New menu UI including:
    • Improved home screen
    • Application version
    • Quit application screen
  • list connected ledgers now includes the git hash of the application in use

The UI changes are designed to improve the user experience and bring it closer to the experience of other hardware wallet apps, as most users will now be using it via a UI as opposed to the command line. The git hash APDU helps users determine which version of the application they are using.

Tezos Baking

  • Exiting the application now requires the device’s PIN
  • list connected ledgers now includes the git hash of the application in use
  • Query authorized baking key APDU is now supported

The PIN requirement has been added to combat a potential vulnerability if someone were to obtain physical access and control over the Ledger Nano S and the machine to which it is connected.

Installing a Ledger Nano S application via Ledger Live does not require a PIN code. If the device is in an authorized state, such as when the Baking App is running, someone with access to the device and the computer could exit the Baking App, install the Wallet App and transfer funds. Requiring the PIN for exiting the Baking App removes this threat vector.

The git hash helps users determine which version of the application they are using, and the query authorized baking key APDU returns the derivation path of the key authorized for baking.

Baker Update

24 Oct 15:27
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The baker will now require a PIN to exit.

Quickfix again -- displayed version information

04 Sep 15:28
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v1.3.1 erroneously self-reported as v1.3.0. This version correctly reports as v1.3.2. Other than that, there are no differences between this and v1.3.1.

Quickfix -- Fix Display Bug

03 Sep 21:37
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The bug present in version 1.3.0 treats tez values as signed 32 bit integers instead of unsigned 64 bit integers, potentially misrepresenting a value in the UI of the Ledger device. This does not impact the operation - only the display. Most values over 2,147 are affected.


31 Aug 17:42
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See in root directory.

Update for new protocol

20 Jul 21:19
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Merge branch 'master' of