Passport strategy for authenticating and fetching profile data from AWS Cognito User pools using OAuth2 and the Amazon SDK
$ npm install passport-oauth2-cognito
The Cognito OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy authenticates requests using the
OAuth 2.0 framework and retrieves user data from AWS Cognito User Pools.
The strategy requires a verify
callback, which accepts these
credentials and calls done
providing a user, as well as options
specifying a
consumer key, consumer secret, and callback URL.
const passport = require('passport')
const OAuth2CognitoStrategy = require('passport-oauth2-cognito');
const options = {
callbackURL: '',
clientDomain: '',
clientID: '123-456-789',
clientSecret: 'shhh-its-a-secret',
region: 'us-west-2'
function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
User.findOrCreate(profile, (err, user) => {
done(err, user);
passport.use(new OAuth2CognitoStrategy(options, verify));
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => done(null, user));
passport.deserializeUser((obj, done) => done(null, obj));
Use passport.authenticate()
, specifying the 'oauth2-cognito'
strategy, to
authenticate requests.
For example, as route middleware in an Express application:
(req,res) => res.send(req.user)
When you create your App Client, you will need to generate an App Client Secret
Your App client settings will need:
Enabled Identity Providers: Cognito User Pool
Callback URL(s): options.callbackURL
Allowed OAuth Flows: Authorization code grant
Allowed OAuth Scopes: [openid, aws.cognito.signin.user.admin, profile]
You must also configure a Domain name for use as options.clientDomain