Ableton like midi editor step input actions for Reaper
DEMO Video here:
To install either download and add the scripts manualy or use ReaPack add external repo funtion ReaPack:
This project was started using this work:
Know issue: any new pressed note with the same velocity and pitch as the note at the cursor will not be considered a new note and will result in extending the previous note. This rearly happnes if you use a keyboard with variable velocity.
- see if there is another way to detect retriggerd notes besides comparing velocity -> extension
- cleanup, optimise, refactor
- fix typos in readme :))
Long term:
- create an jsfx extension that improves on this
- the purpose of the script is to streamline and optimise midi input as much as possilbe: use the cursor to position yourself, use the keyboard to indicate what notes you want to operate on and use the keys or controller buttons (and/or knobs) to operate on held note. Basicaly like... peeling an apple, you hold it in one hand and use the knife in the other hand. Or like operating a plotter wood cutter, you control the board with your hands and use your feet to operate the tool. (disclaimer, I don't know how a plotter works exactly but if I made one, I'd use footswitches :)) )
- main vision is to add as many simple and intuitive actions that operate on the held notes and maybe a little more
- move held note under cursor by grid step
- add a backspace mode where you split and delete every thing one grid step behind cursor -> this might already exist
- split held notes at cursor
- adjust velocy of held notes under cursor
- remove held notes under cursor
- move held note up or down an octave (cursor must be on the note or at it's edges)?
- select held notes under cursor? or Chain select toggle to select specific notes? (maybe too confusing)
- ignore octave mode? (maybe too confusing)
I build this script mainly for my own confot, but as I find ways to improve my flow I'll add them in the folowing section
Tips and tricks:
- I found it very helpful to cound the beats while stepping forward
- Map actions to a midi foot controller so you can play with both hands (a generous foot controller like Nektar Pacer, Behringer FCB1010 or even an Arturia Beatstep if you are not wearing shoes :) )
- Map tripplet toggle action to a key or foot controller
- Map grid change action(s) or use a confortable grid size
- To delete specific notes move at the end of the note(s) and hold the coresponding key on your controller and press back untill you fully deleted
- While you go back you are in delete mode (held keys will start deleting as the cursor moves backward)
- if no notes are pressed the cursor will just navigate back and forward
- I successfully tested this using the arrow keys
- search for scripts for playing the midi item from the begining or 2 steps behind to audiotion your progress
- there are scripts already that operate on all notes under cursor (as in not only the held ones): inversion, deletion, adjust veolcity, select all notes in measure (for copy paste) etc., these are very compatible with the ReaperTon workflow