Discord dice roller bot for Eon, a tabletop RPG by Helmgast. Rolls regular dice as well as whats known as an ob die (d6/t6) or infinite die (replace rolled six with two additional dice).
Written for python 3.11
The project is published under the MIT Licence.
The data bundled in app/data/helmgast/ is created and owned by Helmgast AB.
Permission has been granted by representatives of Helmgast AB to extract the hit table & damage table data from the books and bundle them in this project.
Read about Hosting the bot
Slash commands! You may use discord's slash commands in order to use the bot.
eon-bot will send a link to the Github page.
eon-bot will change it's status to a random preset.
eon-bot will send a direct message to the user. Useful for secret dice rolls or lookups.
eon-bot will send a message containing the ping of the bot.
Format has to be in NtN+N, NtN, NdN+N or NdN.
Can also be written with capital letters: ie NT6+N
# Regular scalable dice
/roll 1d100
/roll 2T20+2
/roll 3d6+3
Output example:
Format has to be in Nt6+N, Nt6, Nd6+N or Nd6.
if anything else than a 6 is supplied, it will be ignored. T6/D6 dice are hardcoded for the ob dice.
Can also be written with capital letters: ie NT6+N
# ob dice
/ob 1t6
/ob 2T6+2
/ob 4d6+3
# This example will still use a six sided die.
/ob 4t8 +3
Output example:
Rolled : 4T6+3
No. Sixes.... : 2
Rolls............ : 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4+ 3
Total............ : 20
Will roll ob +t100 dice for use in a fight.
User runs bash /fight <diceroll of weapon> <weapon_type> <aim>
/fight 2t6+2 range
Output example:
OB Sixes ....: 1
OB Rolls ....: 5️⃣,2️⃣,5️⃣+ 2
OB Total ....: 14
D100 Total : 94
Aim: normal
Weapon type: range
Target: Höger ben, Vad
d100 Total...: 35
Work in progress - for now hit tables, damage tables to be added. Supply your weapon type, aim (will rename this, normal, high, low) and the value of a rolled t100 and get where you hit.
/lookup <weapon_type> <aim> <t100>
weapon_type : slash/blunt/range/pierce
or : s/b/r/p
target : normal/high/low
or : n/h/l
t100 : 1-100
Output example:
Command : /lookup weapon_type:r aim:l, t100:7
Target : Torso, Bröstkorg
Presents interactive dropdowns for fights. Rolls a d100 and helps with finding the target based on choices.
Presents buttons in a message which the users may press to make commmon dice rolls without bonuses.
Presents a modal where multiple dice rolls can be queued.
Type of dice: roll/normal/regular or ob/inf
List of rolls: supply a comma separated list of rolls, with or without bonus
Type of Dice: ob
List of rolls: 2t6+1,6t6+3,4t6,3t6+3
This bot is limited by the size of discord messages as well as sizes of some data types. Therefor, by design of the infinite dice, you may reroll a d6 500 times and hit these limits.
This is a known bug.
Accidentally summoning a cosmic horror monster on the outskirts of a semi-large town is not always appreciated by the dungeon master.