This docker-compose setup consist of the following containers:
- nextcloud: The container running the nextcloud app
- db: MariaDb container to store nextclouds data
- elasticsearch: The container running the elasticsearch index for the fulltextsearch
- proxy: Ngin-X server to automatically route different domains/virtual host to the corresponding container ips
- adminer: GUI for the db
- letsencrypt-companion: companion for proxy to download certificates for https encryptions
- portainer: admin gui for the entire setup.
- volumerize: Volume backup container. As configured now, it will backup to an S3 Bucket
The docker-compose setup is split into several docker-compose files. This allows to start parts of the setup in specific environments.
: This is the main docker-compose file. It contains nextcloud, db, proxy, and portainer. It't the most simple version and is ideal to be run on the local machine.docker-compose-adminer.yml
: contains the adminer container. This is only needed, if you want to do work on the db directly.docker-compose-backup.yml
: This adds the volumerize container to the setup. It will backup the volumensdb
. This is only needed for prod.docker-compose-es.yml
: This adds the elasticsearch container to index the nextcloud files and to allow fulltextsearch. This is only needed in prod.docker-compose-letsencrypt.yml
: This adds the let'sencrypt companion container for the nginx proxy. Such that every container, that is exposed by the proxy, gets its own certificate for its domain.docker-compose-restore.yml
: This container allows to restore from the backup. For more information see below.
There are some shell scripts, that pack together the docker-compose files for a given environment.
: for local
: for the prod environment. Both files need the acctual docker-compose commands, such asup
to be appended as cli options. e.g../ up -d
or./ down
To be able to access the different application you need to choose different domains for these, as the proxy redirect based on the hostname used to call the request.
On linux and mac, you may add those hosts in the /etc/hosts
file, such as localhost greenbox portainer adminer
elasticsearch needs vm.max_map_count to be set to a min of 262144 see here []
create .env
file with the following content (values need to be changed accordingly)
#Password for mysql in the db containers
#database and user and pwd for nextcould database
#Nextcloud admin user name (this will only be used for initial setup)
#DNS name for nextcloud (will only be used for the initial setup)
#DNS name for nextcloud. Use it empty locally
#Password for admin user (will only be considered the first time nextcloud is installed)
#DNS name for adminer
#DNS name for adminer. Use it empty locally
#DNS name for portainer
#DNS name for portainer. Use it empty locally
#Max memory for elasticsearch process. Need to be high in prod (>10)
#Password used to encrypt the backup
BACKUP_PASSWORD=very secure password
#Target (S3 bucket) where the backup should be saved to (duplicity option)
#The accessKey ID for the user that has write access to the S3 Bucket (duplicity option)
#The accessKey secret for the user that has write access to the S3 Bucket (duplicity option)
The SSH key that are used to authenticate the user at the backup target host
need to placed in ./keys/id_rsa
You can use the command
$> mkdir keys && ssh-keygen -f keys/id_rsa -N ""
Then copy the content of the file ./keys/
to the backup-target's file .ssh/authorized_keys
Install the following Apps in nextcloud
- Full text search
- Full text search - Elasticsearch Platform
- Full text search - Files
Set the configuration values for Fulltextsearch (Volltextsuche) in elasticsearch
- Suchplattform: Elasticsearch
- Adresse des Servlets: http://elasticsearch:9200/
- index: nextcloud (vorschlag)
After Installation / Updates, readd our custom NextCloud configuration:
docker exec -i --user www-data oberdocker_nextcloud_1 php occ config:system:set default_language --value="de"
docker exec -i --user www-data oberdocker_nextcloud_1 php occ config:system:set default_phone_region --value="CH"
docker exec -i --user www-data oberdocker_nextcloud_1 php occ config:system:set skeletondirectory --value=""
docker exec -i --user www-data oberdocker_nextcloud_1 php occ config:system:set templatedirectory --value=""
The database and the nextcloud files (data and code) are backed up (volumes db
und nextcloud
This is done by the container volumerize
The backup enpoint is an S3 bucket.
To set up an S3 Bucket, I (@inthemill) have done the following:
- Create an account
- Register my credit card
- On S3 create the bucket that you will specify in the
file - in the IAM of this account, create the user, whose ID and secret, you will specify in the
file. - Apply to this backup-user the needed rights
The backup is executed by a cronjob that is specified in the docker-compose-backup.yml
file as environment variable of the volumerize
: restores the latest backup. You must specify the project by prepending the command withCOMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=$projectname
. Having a project name set, prefixes all container and volume names, such that it can run beside prod. *Example: *./ -p restore up
- If you choose it different from 'oberdocker', the recovery is done on separate volumes and a parallel project is starter afterwards, where you can analyse the backup.
- If you choose it 'oberdocker', the recovery will be done for the relevant (productive) volumes. This will overwrite the data there.