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Service Descriptions and Endpoints

The following operations can be performed on the products service:

  • Create a new product: [POST] /products
  • Update a product: [PUT] /products/int:id
  • Delete a product: [DELETE] /products/int:id
  • Delete all products: [DELETE] /products
  • List all products: [GET] /products
  • List products by ID: [GET] /products/int:id
  • List products by category: [GET] /products?category=str:category
  • List products by name: [GET] /products?name=str:name
  • List products by price range: [GET] /products/pricerange?minimum=int:minimum&?maximum=int:maximum
  • List all products in descending order of date: [GET] /products/latest
  • Give product a rating: [PUT] /products/rating?id=int:id&stars=int:stars
  • Give product a review: [PUT] /products/review?int:id&newrevstr:review

How to run the service on your local PC

Step1. Prerequisites To run our services on your local PC, you need to download Gitbash, Vagrant and Virtualbox. The download links are:

Step2. Run the Services Please open Gitbash (for Windows) or terminal (others) and run the following commands:

# Downloads all the codes of our services from Github
git clone  

# Go to folder that contains the Vagrantfile
cd products     

# To create the evironment needed for our services
vagrant up

# Connect to the virutalbox of our service using secure channel
vagrant ssh

# Go inside the virtual box 
cd /vagrant

# Start the services. To check it out, go to the browser and input the address: http://localhost:5000
honcho start

# Stop the service
<ctrl + c>

# To get out of the vagrant

# To stop running the VM
vagrant halt

Try the following urls:
e.g.1 to list all the products, please try link: http://localhost:5000/products
e.g.2 to sort all the products by date, please try link: http://localhost:5000/products/latest
e.g.3 to search a product by name, please try link: http://localhost:5000/products?name=desk
e.g.4 to search a product by category, please try link: http://localhost:5000/products?category=clothing

Running TDD Unit Tests

Perform the same steps as above, till cd /vagrant and then run the following command:


Running BDD Integration Tests

Perform the same steps as above, till cd /vagrant and then run the following:

honcho start &

To stop the app, do the following:

<ctrl + c>

Services Running on Cloud

You can also directly visit our services on cloud:

API Swagger Docs

The API documentation is on the following URL: