Envoy proof of concept
Example basic architecture that provides basic non functional requirements for a micro services architecture. This includes observability, tracing, retries, circuit breakers, metrics & graphs with minimal requirements on the actual services. E.g. Non functional requirements are implemented outside the Spring Boot 2 based micro services as much as possible.
Goals of POC:
- Deploy two service, A & B
- Both services have a envoy side car proxy container that traffic is proxied through
- Service A calls service B
- Automated retries on 5xx responses
- Use circuit breakers, e.g. no cascading failures if B is down or we are overloaded with traffic
- Zipkin tracing
- Metrics for all incoming and outgoing HTTP requests
- Both services protected with rate limiting
- Installing envoy on top of vanilla openjdk alpine images requires glibc,
- Restart service after changes: docker-compose up -d --build service-a
Circuit breaking