Example scripts to run different GitLab runners as virtual machines under vagrant, as disposable, on-demand workers.
Shell scripts provided so that you really do not need anything else. This can be easily converted into kickstart/preseed/cloudinit scripts.
This is a quick proof of concept and is far from any production use. There are already puppet/ansible modules/roles existing in the world.
- virtualbox (not tested, but should work)
- libvirt
- LXC (Centos only), but it is deprecated, use vagrant-lxd
- LXD 3.x with vagrant-lxd
Centos 7.4 + gitlab-runner as docker executor (basic)
Centos 7.4 + gitlab-runner as shell executor, with docker, java and gcc++
Ubuntu 16.04 + gitlab-runner as docker executor (basic)
Ubuntu 16.04 + gitlab-runner as shell executor, with docker, java and gcc++
Centos installs new kernel mainline from elrepo. Ubuntu installs kernel HWE LTS.
OpenJDK 8, headless, but no ant/maven.
- ensure you have vagrant installed, verion 2.2.5
- ensure you have vagrant plugin installed for given provider and it is properly configured, pro tip: read docs for given provider really carefully!
- ensure you have vagrant plugin vagrant-reload
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
(optional) ensure you have proper plugin installed for given providers, for example vagrant-libvirt, vagrant-lxc, vagrant-lxd
ensure you have configured system to be able to use given provider, refer to documentation details provided by given plugin (especially for LXD)
go to your GitLab install, find project
go to Settings (on the bottom left), CI/CD, Runners settings, click expand
there is a section 'Specific Runners', with URL and token in red, copy it.
go into specific directory
and update runner name, URL, project token to register and tags -
execute command in shell, to load env vars:
. .secrets
- after command above executed, start vagrant:
vagrant up --provider=<providername>
- in the end of vagrant execution you should see something in red color (yeah...):
vm-name: Registering runner... succeeded runner=SOMETHING
vm-name: Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it,
but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded!
go to the GitLab project, and check if in Runner settings you see registered runner.
check your GitLab project and edit
to use proper tags in the project depending on the build/step and so on.
Pretty obvious
vagrant destroy -f
vagrant up --provider=<providername>
Remember to go to GitLab CI and remove dead workers.