This project contains Lua server for QUIK and client examples in Python 3.10+ and Go 1.18+.
Before you begin please download latest version of LuaOverMQ DLL and place it to lib folder.
There are two versions of the integration. Use if you want to build your own bindings from scratch.
quik.lua includes several helpful functions such as unique id generator based on the snowflake algorithm, transaction and order management functions.
import asyncio
import time
from stockmq.api import Quik, TimeInForce, Side, QuikTable
api = Quik("tcp://")
client = "CLIENT"
board = "TQBR"
ticker = "SBER"
async def main():
# Create transaction to BUY and wait for completion
tx = await api.create_order(client, board, ticker, TimeInForce.DAY, Side.BUY, 1600.0, 1)
print(tx.updated_ts - tx.created_ts)
# Create transaction to cancel the order
tx = await api.cancel_order(client, board, ticker, tx.order_id, timeout=4.0)
print(tx.updated_ts - tx.created_ts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Using the you can connect to the running instance of LuaVM.
(.venv) alex@express python % python tcp://
Type exit() to terminate the session
>> return 1