Kindly is a web-application using ASP.NET Core Web API, Entity Framework Core and Angular 6 created as a learning project following Neil Cummings' Udemy course as a base line.
To deploy this application it is assumed that the following files exists:
- secrets.json
This file can be accessed from Visual Studio > Project > Manage Secrets. It is located in a folder following this pattern: "C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets\{guid}\secrets.json"
It should follow this template:
"EncryptionKey": "{encryption-key}",
"Cloud": "{cloudinary-cloud-name}",
"ApiKey": "{cloudinary-api-key}",
"ApiSecret": "{cloudinary-api-secret}"
"ApiKey": "{facebook-app-key}",
"ApiSecret": "{facebook-app-secret}"
"ApiKey": "{google-app-key}",
"ApiSecret": "{google-app-secret}"
"ApiKey": "{twitter-app-key}",
"ApiSecret": "{twitter-app-secret}"
"ApiKey": "{microsoft-app-key}",
"ApiSecret": "{microsoft-app-secret}"
"ID": "{twilio-id}",
"Key": "{twilio-key}",
"FromNumber": "{twilio-from-number}"
"Key": "{send-grid-key}"
"DefaultConnection": "{connection-string}"