This is a small NodeJS project I created to play with Lychrel numbers and the 196-algorithm
Let's start getting all the dependencies:
npm install
There are two npm scripts available:
npm run start
will run a simple analysis of the results of the 196-algorithm for the first 100 numbers. The analysis will show the frequencies of the cycles needed to reach a palindrome for each of the given numbers. This will also (kind of) find the Lychrel number candidates (I considered candidates those numbers the algorithm couldn't find a palindrome in 1000 cycles for). Finally, it will also show the frequencies in an ASCII chart usinng a fun library I didn't know of called asciichart
The second npm script:
npm run start-performance-analysis
will run a very simple benchmark analysis of two versions of the 196-algorithm (recursive vs non-recursive).
I used the Jest library to test the code of the algorithms. I tested the 196-algorithms (both versions) against some wikipedia examples.
You can run all the tests with:
npm run test
npm run test-watch