Discord is a proprietary freeware voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application designed for gaming communities, that specializes in text and audio communication between users in a chat channel.
Small python discord bot (named Curse Chat Bot) that joins discord servers. Never programmed anything in python before so the discord python API seemed like a good learning exercise.
Programmed several commands
- !online - See who is online.
- !random - Pick a random user.
- !ban - Ban a user from the server. (Checks if person saying command is a moderator)
- !unban - Unban a user from the server. (Checks if person saying command is a moderator, must include ID number in the name to work)
- !joinvoice - Send me to a voice channel. (need channel id#)
- !kick - Kick a user from the server. (Checks if person saying command is a moderator)
- !song - picks a random song from songs file.
- !addsong - write a song to the song file. (youtube link prefered)
- !calc - calculate an equation, supported operators = +, /, -, *, %
Programmed several alerts on server/member changes
- name changes (includes what it was originally to what it was changed to)
- role changes (includes what it was originally to what it was changed to)
- new member joins
- member leaves
- new channel made
- channel deleted
- channel name or description change (includes what it was originally to what it was changed to)