Time is a terrible thing to waste.
Do you ever interrupt your work and go on the web for just a minute, only to find yourself 20 minutes later in the bowels of the internet, having forgotten what it is you were doing?
Well, no more. Introducing Crastinator Pro Mac edition.
This handy script quietly runs in the background and will start a timer when it senses that your foreground application is Safari/Firefox/Chrome. After that it will verbally harass you at preset and user-controllable intervals of time until you switch to another application.
Special behavior can be configured for browsing "useful" sites, like gmail. There, it will only gently remind you every 5 minutes that another 5 minutes of your life has gone down the series of tubes that is the internets.
The easiest way to install Crastinator Pro is to download the binary installation image form github:
Install the app in the Applications folder, double click it, set your speaker volume to be non-zero, and go on with your life. For maximum effect, it is highly recommended to include Crastinator Pro in your login items:
(System Preferences -> Users & Groups --> Login Items Pane --> Push "+" and select Crastinator Pro. Press the little checkmark next to it to hide it on login).
If you want to tweak Crastinator Pro, or want to help develop it, then download the source scripts from github. There is a bash and Ruby version. Ruby version is recommended.
NOTE: the scripts work only on Macs, as they use features of OS X, that are not available on linux.
To run the bash script, in Terminal type:
chmod +x crastinator-pro.sh ; ./crastinator-pro.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &
And set your speaker volume to be nonzero.
To use the Ruby version:
ruby crastinator-pro.rb >/dev/null 2>&1 &
chmod +x crastinator-pro.rb ; ./crastinator-pro.rb >/dev/null 2>&1 &
The binary app is made using Platypus http://sveinbjorn.org/platypus