- Run
git clone https://github.com/nthuSecurity-110/informationSecurity.git
- Run
pip install python-nmap
- Run
pip install nmap
- Run
pip install multiprocess
- Run
pip install treelib
- Run
pip install mdutils
- Run
python main.py
in Windows to execute the program.
- Run
git checkout islab/[your_name]
- Make your changes
- Run these commands in order:
git add --a
git status
--> optional, to check the modified filesgit commit -m "enter your commit message"
git push origin islab/[your_name]
- Branch names:
- 家秀:islab/chelsea
- 家燕:islab/jessica
- 晴雯:islab/michelle
- 徐祈:islab/jose
- 妍廷:islab/sakura
- Run
git pull origin main
- git restore [file_name] --> restore a file from another commit.
- git reflog --> show updates on the branch and the current HEAD.
- git checkout [commit_id] --> switch to another commit.
- Remember to make commits and push to your own branch, not to main :)
- We will then run a test to make sure that the commits you have made can run without any errors.
- After the test:
- If no errors --> create a pull request (PR) --> person in charge will merge to main branch
- If error found --> fix in your respective branch --> re-push
- Use Class in different files --> bundling functionalities together to make the overall development process neater and easier to understand.
- For each classes:
- Provide a documentation (brief explanation) about the class. If possible, include:
- Short description about the class' functionality.
- The commands (functions in the class) and a short description.
- Provide a documentation (brief explanation) about the class. If possible, include:
- For each class methods:
- Provide a documentation about the function. If possible, include:
- Brief explanation about what the function does.
- Parameters (what are the inputs, input types).
- Return value.
- Provide a documentation about the function. If possible, include:
- Comments are very welcomed when coding!