Peer Node for constructing p2p networks. Supports RSA keypair encryption of data payload
I make no warrants that there are no security issues in this package, this project was purely for experimentation and personal enjoyment. Please feel free to audit, identify improvements, etc.
Please excuse the mess while I work to improve upon the automated package installation
Clone the master branch from github
git clone
Navigate to the repository directory and run the following (You may also replace yarn
with npm
yarn install; yarn jsdocs
Then simply open up a web browser and navigate to: localhost:8080
to view the documentation
If a Peer wishes to accept connections, it must run its own Peer Node Server. Here's a simple server that will accept incoming connections and every 10 seconds broadcast a message to all connected peers.
'use strict'
const p2p = require('peer-node')
let Host = new p2p.Host(``, 3000)
let Node = new p2p.Node(Host)
data => console.log(`Peer connected: hash = ${data.peerHash}`)
() => {
console.log(`sending broadcast`)
Node.broadcast(`HOWDY`, `I wish to bid you welcome! All are welcome here!`)
Remote systems can connect without hosting their own incoming server. If you launch the previous script in one terminal and run the following script in one or more terminals, you will see the communications
'use strict'
const p2p = require('peer-node')
let Host = new p2p.Host(``, 3000)
let Peer = new p2p.Peer(Host)
Peer.generateKeypair() // This will secure communications between nodes
() => console.log(`Connected to the host! Huzzah!!`)
payload => console.log( // Output the message payload that was broadcast