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PS2 PES 2014 Option File Editor

Java CI

PlayStation 2 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Option File Editor

  • Fix almost bugs of original version.
  • Multilingual support


Development using Docker

Build this project with the command:

docker run --rm -it -v "%PWD%/.mvn:/root/.m2" -v "%PWD%:/usr/src/app" -w /usr/src/app openjdk:7-jdk-alpine ./mvnw -B clean verify

Note that %PWD% is the project working directory in Unix format, such as: /c/Users/source/repos/pes-editor

Analyze source code with SonarQube

Download SonarQube Docker image and start the server:

docker pull sonarqube:community
docker run --rm -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube -Dsonar.telemetry.enable=false

Login to http://localhost:9000/ using Administrator account (admin/admin) and configure the project to analyze. For more details, see:

Then run Maven goal sonar:sonar to analyze the project:

docker run --rm -it --link sonarqube -v "%PWD%/.mvn:/root/.m2" -v "%PWD%:/usr/src/app" -w /usr/src/app openjdk:11-jre-slim ^
  ./mvnw -B sonar:sonar "" -Dsonar.projectKey=pes-editor -Dsonar.login=<projectToken>