Novinhub php sdk
PHP 5.6 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, run following command:
composer require novinhubcom/php-sdk
After Installation The API can be used as easy as the following
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
//Initialize Novinhub Client Instance...
$api = new Novinhub\Client('your_token_here');
* Instance Usage:
* $api->Method('Path', Parameters(IF EXISTS));
//Example1: Get all accounts assigned to your token
$accounts = $api->get('account');
* Example2: Create Caption...
* If Successful, The $response will contain an Array including
* the new caption Id, Title, Caption and Date of creation.
* If not, there is an error message in $response.
$response = $api->post('caption', ['title'=> 'Caption Title', 'caption'=> 'Caption Text']);
//Example 3: Update an existing Caption you created...
$response = $api->put('caption/your_caption_id', ['title'=> 'Caption New Title', 'caption'=> 'caption New Text']);
* Example 4: Create file...
* In order to create a file you can use
* Method getFile('FileAddress') of $api...
* hint: You can use 'Absolute' or 'Relative' addressing for FileAddress
* If Successful, The $response will contain an Array including
* the new file Id, Title, File size, Date of creation and
* the URL that contains The file.
* If not, there is an error message in $response.
$response = $api->post('file', ['file'=> $api->getFile('fileAddress')]);
catch (Novinhub\ServerException $e){
echo $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getTraceId();
You can find the documentation on the website.