"Moving turtlebot using MATLAB, ROS toolbox, and GAZEBO simulation"
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Liber Normous
- MATLAB 2021a
- ROS Toolbox
- ROS1
- Turtlebot3 Simulation
Run turtlebot gazebo empty world simulation.
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch
Then run this code section by section.
%% Clear
clc; clear all;
%% start ROS master in MATLAB
% to connect outside ros master, use; rosinit('')
%% RUn GAZEBO then List nodes
rosnode list
%% Use rostopic list
rostopic list
%% Use rostopic info <topicname> to get specific information about a specific topic
rostopic info /cmd_vel
%% List service
rosservice list
%% service info
rosservice info /imu_service
%% shutdown ROS
% rosshutdown
%% subscribing
laser = rossubscriber('/scan');
%% try using data to visualize laser
angle = laser.LatestMessage.AngleMin:laser.LatestMessage.AngleIncrement:laser.LatestMessage.AngleMax;
x = laser.LatestMessage.Ranges.*cos(angle');
y = laser.LatestMessage.Ranges.*sin(angle');
plot(x, y, '.'); axis square;
%% asking/waiting data from subscribes topic
scandata = receive(laser,10);
plot(scandata,'MaximumRange',2) %mistery
%% subscribing using callback
laser = rossubscriber('/scan', @callback_func);
%% Create a publisher that sends ROS string messages to the /chatter topic (see Work with Basic ROS Messages).
chatterpub = rospublisher('/from_zee','std_msgs/String');
chattersub = rossubscriber('/from_zee', @callback_func);
pause(2); % Wait to ensure publisher is registered
%% Create and populate a ROS message to send to the /chatter topic.
chattermsg = rosmessage(chatterpub);
chattermsg.Data = 'hello world';
%% Functions
function callback_func(~,callback_ret)
%exampleHelperROSEmptyCallback Callback function used by a ROS service server
% exampleHelperROSEmptyCallback(~,~,RESP) returns no arguments. it simply
% displays a message indicating that it has been called.
% See also ROSServicesExample, exampleHelperROSCreateSampleNetwork.
% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
This code will move the robot between 2 points. after reaching a point, the robot will turn into another point.
The point reference is /odom
reading. That means the origin is the starting point.
This is the flow chart of the code.
This is the graph of the program.
Run turtlebot gazebo empty world simulation.
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch
Then run this code.
%%%Move back and fort using stupid controller%%%
%% Clear
clc; clear all;
%% global variable
pose_sub_x = 0;
pose_sub_y = 0;
%% pub init
vel_pub = rospublisher('/cmd_vel','geometry_msgs/Twist');
pause(2); % Wait to ensure publisher is registered
vel_msg = rosmessage(vel_pub); % pub message
%% sub init
pose_sub = rossubscriber('/odom');
target_1 = [1 0];
target_2 = [0 0];
pos_case = 1;
%% while loop
ts = 10;
while true
pose_msg = receive(pose_sub,1);
pose_sub_x = pose_msg.Pose.Pose.Position.X;
pose_sub_y = pose_msg.Pose.Pose.Position.Y;
quat = [pose_msg.Pose.Pose.Orientation.X ...
pose_msg.Pose.Pose.Orientation.Y ...
pose_msg.Pose.Pose.Orientation.Z ...
rpy = quat2eul(quat);
yaw = rpy(3);
x_d = target(1)-pose_sub_x;
y_d = target(2)-pose_sub_y;
ang = atan2(y_d, x_d);
dist = sqrt(y_d^2 + x_d^2);
disp([dist abs(ang - yaw)])
if abs(ang - yaw) > (pi/10)
vel_msg.Linear.X = 0;
vel_msg.Angular.Z = 0.15*(2*pi)/ts; % 0.25 circle per 10 sec
send(vel_pub,vel_msg); %send/pub the message
vel_msg.Linear.X = 1/ts;
vel_msg.Angular.Z = 0;
send(vel_pub,vel_msg); %send/pub the message
if dist < 0.1 && pos_case == 1
target = target_2;
pos_case = 2;
elseif dist < 0.1 && pos_case == 2
target = target_1;
pos_case = 1;
% nothing
[1] Exchange Data with ROS Publishers and Subscribers
[2] quat2eul
[3] How to Move a Robot to a Certain Point Using Twist