Simple library to use geoNames to find nearby cities
Based on sample code from, and including JSONScriptRequest functions from those examples.
Functions: getNearbyCitiesByPostalCode(postalcode, radius, callbackFN) getNearbyCitiesByLatLong(latitude,longitude, radius, callbackFN)
The callback function gets a list of city names as its only parameter as in "function myCallback(cities)". postalcode is a valid US postal code radius is a number between 1 and 30, in kilometers getNearbyCities byPostalCode("94086", "10", myCallback);
Calls back the callback function with an array of cities within that radius.
To actually use this library, you have to change "your_user_id" in the code to your geonames id
NOTE: Written in (and unchanged since) 2012, just uploading to have it on GitHub