Deprecated, please use : TheQwertiest/foo_discord_rich
Foobar2000 music status for Discord Rich Presence!
- Grab release, drop included foo_drpc directory in %userdir%\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\user-components\ (if you have not moved your AppData somewhere else) or place included .dll Files in \foobar2000\components.
- Add foobar2000 to discords detected games (Settings -> Games -> Add it).
- Compiled with VS 2017.
- Clone this shit with the following command:
git clone --recursive
- Use cmake to prepare discord-rpc API (Use the following command in discord-rpc folder):
cmake CMakeLists.txt
- Launch the sln, tweak, don't forget to put your name (rly important for the e-penis), compile and cry in front of 2564 errors of compilation.
Note: Spam protection removed, don't be an asshole kiddo