Awesome nostr in Japan. Software, Web service, Clients, Bots created by Japanese. 日本語版
- World wide relay by imksoowss://
- Japanese oriented relay by imksoowss://
- ipv6 relay by imksoowss://
by ほりべあwss://
by αυγοτάραχο σολωμουwss://
- Aggregator relay for (mainly) Japanese users. by αυγοτάραχο σολωμουwss://
- World wide relay by Nokotaro Takedawss://
- Relay that only allows followers of the operator to write by jiftechnifywss://
- Japanese oriented relay by jiftechnifywss://
- Paid relay via Starlink's satellite network by godzhigellawss://
- Japanese oriented relay by kojirawss://
- Japanese oriented relay written in Go by mattnwss://
- Japanese oriented relay written in C++ by mattn
- Nostrends - Trending posts on nostr. by akiomik
- nostrbuzzs - Trending nostr's buzz word by darashi
- nosutora - Get NIP-05 by
- nostr-post-checker - post checker for nostr protocol. by koteitan
- Nosli - Create curated list of posts on nostr with NIP-23 backend. by akiomik
- nostr-picker - Nostr Picker by penpenpng
- Nostr村放送局(nostradio) - Speaking nostr's post on web radio by darashi
- murasaki - Nostr speaker on web with VOICEVOX by darashi
- Speaking nostr's post on web radio by murasaki by 淀川
- Nosaray - Wayback Machine for Nostr by jiftechnify
- nostr-notes-duplicate - Post synchronization tool to multiple relays by imksoo
- nostrlogs - Fetch posts from multi relays and submit to a selected relay by imksoo
- NostrFlu - Find and display past kind:3 (Contacts) events from multiple relays, backup and etc by heguro
- NosTx - To Nostr client transformer from note & userpub key by ShinoharaTa
- Nostr search portal - Nostr portal. Big function is a search engine in japanese. and etc. by hoku
- #illust tagged notes on Nostr - Illustration viewing by murakmii
- BBS on Nostr - BBS using nostr as data storage by murakmii
- nostrbbs - BBS using nostr as data storage by ikeji
- nostr-reversi - Reversi working on Nostr by kaiji
- shotr - Shorted URL service powered by nostr. by ocknamo
- 野州田川水系 定点観測所 - nostr Relay (JP) site that displays the number of posts in a graph. by ShinoharaTa
- nosey - Search engine for nostr by akiomik
- nostr.json generator - Generate nostr.json from NIP-65 or NIP-07 by SnowCait
- findmine - search your posts in nostr/Bluesky/twitter/twilog. by koteitan
- nostr-bookmark-trend - show Nostr events bookmarked by followees by nikolat
- NostViewstr - Web app to view and edit various Nostr events by mono
- Luminostr - Find replaceable events of a specific kind from various relays, and overwrite them with the events at a specific point in time. by mono
- Zapline-JP - Watching Zap of Japan cluster by tiltpapa
- MAKIBISHI - add a star to any website by nikolat
- Nostr hours - How many hours do you spend in Nostr? by SnowCait
- 地鳳 - Mahjong game online by nikolat
- Nostr Follow Organizer - It retrieves a user's following list and displays information such as the time of their most recent post and whether or not they are following each other. There is also a sorting function, so you can easily organize your following, such as people who haven't posted recently. by mono
- nostr-share-component - This component allows you to easily add a button to share a web page on Nostr. by mono
- nostter - Nostr client for web. by SnowCait
- Rabbit - A nostr client like TweetDeck. by syusui-s
- Astraea - Nostr client for web. by mouse
- Lumilumi - Nostr client for web. by mono
- Nos Haiku - Nostr client for web. by nikolat
- Nostr Feeds from (のぞき窓/Nozokimado) - Simple Nostr Relay Feed Reader by imksoo
- GARNET - Nostr Public Chat(NIP-28) Client. by murakmii
- うにゅうハウス - The web client for NIP-28(Public Chat). by nikolat
- - search web client by darashi
- Nostr playground - JSON-based Nostr web client written in plain JavaScript. by SnowCait
- Angolmois - Retrieve posts from Nostr and send SSTP to Ukagaka. by nikolat
- vscode-nostr-client - Nostr client as a VSCode extension. by jiftechnify
- nostatus - A nostr client that specializes in browsing user statuses (NIP-38). by jiftechnify
- algia - A cli application for nostr by mattn
- nostk - A cli application for nostr by mitsugu oyama (orzbruford)
- nosp - A tui controller and pager for nostk by mitsugu oyama (orzbruford)
- nosdump - A cli tool for dumping events stored in relays by jiftechnify
- nostui - A TUI client for Nostr by akiomik
- nokakoi - A nostr client for Windows just to post and browse the global timeline. by betoneto
- noka - A nostr client for Windows just to browse the global timeline. by betoneto
- nostalk - Ukagaka ghost with support for Nostr event notification via SSTP by nikolat
- nostr-relay - postgresql/mysql/sqlite3 backended nostr relay. backup by litestream for sqlite by mattn
- searchnos - An experimental implementation of NIP-50. by darashi
- cagliostr - C++ implementation of Nostr relay by mattn
- zig-nostr-relay - Zig implementation of Nostr relay by mattn
- nostr-keyx - A NIP-07 browser extension that uses the OS's keychain or YubiKey to protect your private keys. by susumuota
- share-on-nostr - Chrome extension to share URL of an active tab on Nostr. by penpenpng
- nake - chrome & firefox Extension easily convert between NOSTR's hexid⇔NIP-19 (bech32-encoded entities). by mono
- danmakustr - A Chrome extension based on Nostr that allows users to send comments on YouTube in a style similar to Niconico. by cody
- haiku - Haiku collector by mattn
- markovbot - Markov chain bot by mattn
- golang_news - Go language news by mattn
- nips_changes - Git commit changes on by mattn
- makeitquote - Generate image of the post by mattn
- nullpoga - A misc bot by mattn
- mahjong - A bot for playing mahjong game by mattn
- EEWなまずくん予報 - Earthquake Early Warning by matsuu
- Nostify - A bot that posts Nostr posts that match the filter settings to discord. by kojira
- Nostr-chan - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Nostrchan - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Nostrchan2 - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Nostrchan3 - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Nostrchan4 - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Nostrchan0 - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- kojiranyan - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Nostaro - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Skyka - communication bots powered by ChatGPT by kojira
- Qchan - Create a Japanese timeline summary by kojira
- 日本人ユーザー (bot) - Follow Japanese users. by SnowCait
- REQ - A bot for replying REQ response by SnowCait
- search - A bot to help you search by SnowCait
- ログボbot - A bot to earn "Login bonus" by erechorse
- じほう - a bot that tells JST time by mono
- やぶみちゃん - A relay bot on wss:// by 𓃠
- へんしんbot - An Kamen-Rider-like bot by ひゅうが霄
- 迫るショッカーbot - An Shocker-like bot by ひゅうが霄
- mochi - A mochi mochi bot by awayuki
- Yodogawa-Janken - A bot for playing RPS game by n0nakamura
- うにゅう - An Unyu bot by nikolat
- Scrapbox更新通知(bot) - A bot that serves notification about updated nostr Scrapbox articles by jiftechnify
- リプライ連鎖数はかるくん - A bot that counts the number of chains of replies from other bots by jiftechnify
- やる夫bot - Communication bots powered by ChatGPT by Hakkadaikon
- kojiraBot - A kojira bot, 呼んだ? by imksoo
- ルークさん - A dog bot by NK1961
- NIPs 占い - A NIPs fortune-telling bot by AsaiToshiya
- 流速ちゃん - BOT measuring and tabulating the number of relay submissions in Japan by ShinoharaTa
- 今日は何の日 - Posts what's today at every morning by mattn
- 不審者情報 - 日本不審者情報センターの情報を転載しています。(Unofficial) by mattn
- サイゼガチャ - サイゼリヤのメニューをお選びします。(Unofficial) by mattn
- Hot Post Ranking - 数時間内でホットな投稿をランキング表示します。 by mattn
- iroiroBot - A BOT that posts tools made by users, tools that are useful for Nostr, and information related to Nostr at 16 minutes past the hour. by mono
- nostr-fetch - A utility library that allows JS/TS apps to effortlessly fetch past events from Nostr relays. by jiftechnify
- rx-nostr - A library based on RxJS, which allows Nostr applications to easily communicate with relays. by penpenpng
- nostr-mux - Multiplexed connections management for Nostr client. by murakmii
- nosvelte - An experimental Svelte library for building Nostr apps easily. by akiomik
- lophus - Yet another TypeScript library for Nostr. by hasundue
- n8n-nodes-Nostrobots - An n8n node for nostr. by ocknamo
- nostr-key-value - Use nostr NIP-78 (kind: 30078) Key Value Storage by ShinoharaTa
- snow-actions/nostr - Send EVENT on GitHub Actions by SnowCait
- SoftwareDesign - In a few months, SoftwareDesign, a magazine, a publisher of technical information magazines, will publish a series of articles about nostr. by gihyo
- Software Design 2023/7 - In a few months, SoftwareDesign, a magazine, a publisher of technical information magazines, will publish a series of articles about nostr. by gihyo
- Hello Nostr! 先住民が教えるNostrの歩き方 - A nostr fanzine contributed by writers and illustrators who are Japanese nostr users. by Yotsuya Laboratory (四谷ラボ)
- Hello Nostr! Yo Bluesky! 分散SNSの最前線 - A nostr and Bluesky fanzine contributed by writers and illustrators who are Japanese nostr and Bluesky users. (the next) by Yotsuya Laboratory (四谷ラボ)
- nostr Scrapbox - A knowledge base about nostr in Japanese.
- Nostrプロトコル(damus)を触ってみた - An overview of the Nostr protocol written in Japanese by gpsnmeajp
- Damus (ダムス) for Nostr - Article introducing Nostr and Damus. by yutaro
- 話題の投稿がみれるサービス Nostrendsをつくったよ🤙 / About Nostrends by akiomik
- Nostr版togetterのNosliとNIP-33 / About Nosli and NIP-33 by akiomik
- とある絵描きの Nostr の楽しみかた by awayuki
- NIP-11a(NIP-111)の要望と変遷 by kappaseijin
- Passkey Authentication with Nostr (NIP-07, nostr-keyx, YubiKey) by susumuota
- Nostr勉強会#0 (nostrstudy #0) - nostr conference 1 in Japan powered by 四谷ラボ
- Nostr勉強会#1 (nostrstudy #1) - nostr conference 2 in Japan powered by 四谷ラボ
- Nostr勉強会#2 (nostrstudy #2) - nostr conference 3 in Japan powered by 四谷ラボ
- Nostr勉強会#3 (nostrstudy #3) - nostr conference 4 in Japan powered by 四谷ラボ
- Nostr勉強会#1 [わいがや副音声] (nostrstudy #1 public viewing) - public viewing of the conference powered by ROBO358
- Nostr勉強会#2 [わいがや副音声] (nostrstudy #2 public viewing) - public viewing of the conference powered by ROBO358
- Nostr勉強会#3 [わいがや副音声] (nostrstudy #3 public viewing) - public viewing of the conference powered by ROBO358
- 新時代の分散型SNS勉強会 by 四谷ラボ
Yasuhiro Matsumoto (a.k.a. mattn)