Quick and dirty script for listening services to maintain a route back to the default gateway when connecting to a VPN.
Useful for SSH tunneling through a VPN connection on a remote system.
Run the script before starting the VPN Client. Once run, listening services will remain remotely accessible whilst any tunneled traffic will route through the tun0
To configure route on a specific network adapter
$ sudo vpn-sidedoor.sh <adapter>
Example on eth0
$ sudo vpn-sidedoor.sh eth0
Omitting the <adapter>
will enable the route on the first network adapter in the UP
$ sudo vpn-sidedoor.sh
Example SSH Config file ~/.ssh/config
Host vpn-tunnel
Port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/vpn-tunnel.pem
DynamicForward 1080
Host target-bastion
HostName bastion.example.com
Port 22
User tester
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/example/bastion.pem
ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p vpn-tunnel
# Optional: Uncomment below for proxychains-ng
# DynamicForward 9050
# LogLevel QUIET
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 60