- Gatsby v2.0.0
- Configurable
- Use the site.js to easily change the most important information
- Google Fonts
- Use the theme.js to configure your CSS
- Projects in Markdown
- Element Transitions with React Overdrive
- Image Grid with CSS Grid
- HeroPatterns Header
- Emotion
- Google Analytics Support
- Sitemap
- Schema.org JSONLD
- OpenGraph Tags
- Twitter Tags
- Offline Support
- WebApp Manifest Support
- Typography.js
- Responsive images
- The right image size for every screen size
- Traced SVG Loading (Lazy-Loading)
- WebP Support
Check your development environment! You'll need Node.js, the Gatsby CLI and node-gyp installed. The official Gatsby website also lists two articles regarding this topic:
To copy and install this starter run this command (with "project-name" being the name of your folder you wish to install it in):
gatsby new project-name https://github.com/LeKoArts/gatsby-starter-portfolio-emilia
cd project-name
npm run dev
- Create a new folder in
with the current date (Format: YYYY-MM-DD) - Create a new markdown file, add the frontmatter (use the same date format)
- Add text under the frontmatter (will be placed before the images)
- Add your images in the folder (they will automatically be placed in the document)
If you're still unsure have a look at the already existing examples.
You can add other features by having a look at the official plugins page
npm run build
Copy the content of the public
folder to your webhost or use a website like Netlify which automates that for you.
You can configure your setup in config/site.js
You can also configure the styling by editing the config/theme.js