is a technique of hiding secret data within an ordinary file or message in order to avoid detection. The secret file is then extracted at its destination.
image, pip install image
python -e picture.png
(whatever picture you have in the repo) to add the encrypted message
python -d picture.png
to decrypt the message contained in the photo
Several functions are used for manipulating the data: rgb2hex, hex2rgb, str2bin, bin2str
This project was made to demonstrate my knowledge in steganography, and how to encrypt, decrpyt messages within .png pictures.
How it works: It will open the image and look at the pixels in hexadecimal. If the pixels blue channel falls in the 0-5 range then 1 bit of information will be stored. It ends the stream with a delimiter of fifteen 1's and a 0 to take up two bytes. When it is time to retrieve, it pulls all the blue bits of 0 and 1 until the stream obtains the delimiter of fifteen 1's and a 0.