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Documentation and How-tos that do not fit into a specific project :::: This is not the Open Data Hub documentation, see, if you need that

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Repository files navigation

Flight rules for the Core Team of the Open Data Hub

What are "flight rules"?

A guide for astronauts (now, programmers contributing to the Open Data Hub) about what to do when things go wrong, or must be executed with no delay.

Flight Rules are the hard-earned body of knowledge recorded in manuals that list, step-by-step, what to do if X occurs, and why. Essentially, they are extremely detailed, scenario-specific standard operating procedures. [...]

NASA has been capturing our missteps, disasters and solutions since the early 1960s, when Mercury-era ground teams first started gathering "lessons learned" into a compendium that now lists thousands of problematic situations, from engine failure to busted hatch handles to computer glitches, and their solutions.

— Chris Hadfield, An Astronaut's Guide to Life.

ps. Idea taken from the GIT flight rules project.

Table of Contents


I want to import a terraform provider

For example, aws:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source = "aws"
      version = "~> 2.0"

provider "aws" {
  region = "eu-west-1"


A docker host computer's harddisk is nearly full

Check free disk space with df -h...

Delete stopped containers, that exited without being deleted.

docker container ls -a
docker container prune

List and delete tangling images (that is, images that are not tagged on your system. They are created when you build a Docker image with the same tag again and again):

docker image ls -f "dangling=true"
docker image prune

I want to install some packages inside an debian-based container

To have a minimal image use the following:

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get -y upgrade \
    && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends <package-list> \
    && apt-get clean \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

I want to test entrypoint scripts easily

First, mount your local development folder into the container. Add these lines to your docker-compose.yml service:

            - 8999:80
            - ./:/code

Second, overwrite the entrypoint, and allow port forwarding also for the docker-compose run command.

docker-compose run --service-ports --entrypoint /bin/bash service-name \
    -c '/code/path-to-script-inside-container/'

Licensing and REUSE compliance

See REUSE-specific flight rules.


I want to configure various applications to use Keycloak for login

See authentication-server/docs.

I want to access the console of Keycloak as regular user

Go to and login with "yourname/password..."

Test server is

I want to access the console of Keycloak as user "admin"

Go to and login with "admin/password..."

Test server is

I want to get an access token from our OAuth 2.0 Keycloak Server

There are two methods, first with grant_type=password:

curl -X POST -L -H 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    "" \
    -d 'grant_type=password&username=***&password=****&client_id=your-client-id'

...and second, with grant_type=refresh_token, which you should have got with the call above.

curl -X POST -L -H 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    "" \
     -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=*****&client_id=your-client-id'

Example: client_id=odh-mobility-v2 to access the mobility Ninja API. To find your client_id go to keycloak/noi/clients.

NB: Use, if you want to get tokens from our Keycloak test server.

Testing? You can see the contents of this token with

I get an error called o.k.adapters.RequestAuthenticator: SSL is required to authenticate

Since we use the API behind our Lets Encrypt Proxy, the proxy itself handles SSL termination. The connection between the proxy and the API is not secure by definition, hence we need to deactivate it for Keycloak otherwise we get an error

o.k.adapters.RequestAuthenticator : SSL is required to authenticate. Remote address is secure: false, SSL required for: EXTERNAL .'


Possible values: 'none', 'external', 'all' Source:

Work Flow and Release Management

I want to create a project for Open Data hub

Each project must be on our github noi-techpark. So, if you want to create a new repository, do:

cd your-project
git init
git add <some-files>
git commit -m "Initial import"
git remote add origin<your-git-repository>.git
git push -u origin master

...or push an existing repository:

cd your-project
git remote add origin<your-git-repository>.git
git push -u origin master

Then, create a development branch and protect the master branch (See Github>Settings>Branches>Protected branches).

Important notes:

  • We consider a master branch as production-ready at each new HEAD
  • We consider a development branch in an unstable-testing state
  • You can optionally also have additional branches for features or hotfixes

NB: We can make an exception of this repository structure, iff a project is all of the following...

  • on a private repository
  • has no external contributors
  • is a really simple project

...then you do not need to create a development branch and do not protect the master branch.

I want to know how the git flow works for a project of Open Data hub

This work is based on Vincent Driessen's post, about a successful Git branching model, and Semantic Versioning. We suggest, that you read these articles to better understand what follows.

Please read I want to create a project for Open Data hub before you start.

We have two main branches:

  • master contains production-ready commits only
    • Each HEAD has a version bump commit, and a corresponding git tag
  • development contains the unstable work-in-progress commits
    • No version commits, except from historical ones

...and supporting branches:

  • release-<version> branches off from development during last steps before release
    • No new features are allowed here, just some minor bugfixes and adaptations
    • Bump versions during this stage
  • hotfix-<version> branches off from master and allow fast and uncomplicated bug fixes, without intermediate steps inside development
    • Must be merged to master and development at the end
    • no fast-forward (--no-ff)

I want to release a new version of an Open Data hub-project

We have a master branch with a release at 1.0.0 and want now to release a new development branch. The new version should be 1.1.0, since we add a new feature. (See to understand how to choose a new version)

First, we create a new release-1.1.0 branch, and bump the version on that branch.

git checkout -b release-1.1.0 development
./my-personal-script-to-bump-version 1.1.0
git commit -am "Bump version to 1.1.0"

Assume, we find out, that there is a minor bug. This can be fixed immediately on this branch. This new branch may exist there for a while, until the release may be rolled out definitely. During that time, bug fixes may be applied in this branch. Adding large new features here is strictly prohibited. They must be merged into development, and therefore, wait for the next big release. Finally, we merge this new release into master, and tag it with version 1.1.0.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release-1.1.0
git tag -a 1.1.0 -m 1.1.0
git push origin 1.1.0
git push

We merge all changes also to development, and delete the release-branch, when done.

git checkout development
git merge --no-ff release-1.1.0
git branch -d release-1.1.0

I found a small bug, and want to fix it immediately on a released version

We have a master branch with a release at 1.0.0 and want now to fix a bug. The new version should be 1.0.1, since this is just a bugfix and not changing functionality. (See to understand how to choose a new version)

Create a hotfix-1.0.1 branch, and bump the version.

git checkout -b hotfix-1.0.1 master
./my-personal-script-to-bump-version 1.0.1

Do your work and commit the fix. Include an issue-id to the commit message, which you can get from the github issue tracker. If the issue is not present now, create a new one and describe the issue briefly. Assume, we have an issue on github with id 13.

git commit -am "Fix severe production issue\nFixes #13."

Merge it back into master (with a tag) and development (without tag).

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.0.1
git tag -a 1.0.1 -m 1.0.1
git push origin 1.0.1
git push
git checkout development
git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.0.1

We do not need the hotfix branch any longer.

git branch -d hotfix-1.0.1


I want to create a repository

Create a new GitHub repository (private or public).

When naming the repository you should follow these guidelines:

  • Never use the 'odh' abbreviation
  • Always keep names short and concise
  • Always use lowercase
  • Always use hyphens for multi-word-names
  • Consider using codenames for projects
  • For multi-word names: first where it belongs to, then what it is

Refer to this presentation for some more context

I want to give access to a public repository

Provide authenticated users access to the Continuous Integration Jenkins Server:

  • Configure the Jenkins Pipeline for the repository at
  • Add Read (Job) permissions to authenticated users under Properties (project-based security)

I want to give access to a private repository

Provide the contributor access to the GitHub repository:

  • Add the contributor with read permissions to the GitHub private repository.

Provide the contributor access to the Continuous Integration Jenkins Server:

  • Configure the Jenkins Pipeline for the repository at
  • Add the contributors GitHub username under Properties (project-based security) and give him Read (Job) permissions

I want to prepare the CI for pull requests

Due to security constraints, during the build of a pull request the Jenkinsfile of the target branch will be executed (ex. master).

However, to still include CI steps for the pull request, the steps must be defined in the target branch (ex. master). To prevent that the CI is then failing for this target branch and succeeding for the pull request, an if statement can be added to only execute the tests when certain files exist.

stage('Test') {
    steps {
        sh 'if [ -d "path/to/file/of/new/part" ]; then ./testing-command-of-new-part; else true; fi'


I want to send emails from my Pimcore instance

We use and an AWS/SES SMTP server for that, and configure Pimcore as follows (Settings/System Settings/Email Settings/SMTP):

Email Method: smtp
SMTP Host:
SMTP Transport Security: TLS
SMTP Port: 587
SMTP Name:
SMTP Authentication Method: LOGIN
SMTP Username: (see your AWS/SES credentials)
SMTP Passord: (see your AWS/SES credentials)

Test the configuration under Pimcore with Tools/Email/Send Test-Email.

Clear the cache with Settings/Cache/Clear Cache/Symfony Environment: all.

If it does not work, make sure you verified in your AWS console. See AWS/SES SMTP server details for that. Pimcore logs can be found under /var/logs/prod.log and /var/logs/php.log.

I want to add new Pimcore web page to an existing Pimcore machine

We want to add a new Pimcore webpage, called, to our multi-Pimcore server. However, Pimcore needs not just a bundle, but also database dumps and other binary data like images. We want to use PHP 7.2 and Pimcore 5.4.0 for that.

ssh into your Pimcore server and install php 7.2 and dependencies, if needed. Download Pimcore management scripts from our Pimcore Automation Repo. You need at least 3GB for the next steps. Eventually, install a swap file.

Install and configure with

sudo ./ add 5.4.0 \
    your_mysql_password your_pimcore_user your_pimcore_password

... this may take several minutes.

Download the database dump onto your server (for instance, myproject-dump.sql) and restore it to the already setup MySQL database. Your MySQL user and database name is myprojectorg. It is the same as the folder in /var/www, a sanitized version of your previously defined domain

mysql --user myprojectorg -p myprojectorg < myproject-dump.sql

Download (for example, myprojectshttpdocs.tar.gz) and install a first version of the whole page directly into the web-root folder /var/www/myprojectorg. Clean it first.

sudo rm -rf /var/www/myprojectorg/*
cd /var/www/myprojectorg
tar xvzf myprojectshttpdocs.tar.gz
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

Since we replaced our document root with new files given by external developers, we need to make sure the right credentials are set for Pimcore.

sudo vim /var/www/myprojectorg/var/config/system.php

Check if folders, files and permissions set inside of vhosts are set correctly inside /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/myprojectorg.conf. Create them in case they are not present yet.

Clear Pimcore's chaches for dev and prod environments, and correct symbolic links.

cd /var/www/myprojectorg
sudo -u www-data rm -fr var/cache/*
sudo -u www-data ./bin/console c:c -e dev
sudo -u www-data ./bin/console c:c -e prod
sudo -u www-data ./bin/console assets:install --symlink --relative

Normally this is enough! If some bundles need more, they should provide that information beforehand.

I want to add a test environment of a new Pimcore installation

We added to a multi-Pimcore instance and want now a test environment reachable with, which gets cloned during night and updated each time a new commit gets pushed to the davinci repository.

First, go to AWS/Route53 and add to the domain

Name :
Type : CNAME
TTL  : 300

Second, login to the our letsencrypt proxy and make https compliant.

Third, go to our server deployment repository and add a new stage to Jenkinsfile-Pimcore-Nightly-Clones as follows:

stage('') {
    steps {
        sh './utils/pimcore-update-domain $KEY $SERVER_IP davinci/html davinci.conf'

...where $KEY is the ssh key, the $SERVER_IP is the pimcore test server (clone of the multi-pimcore production machine), is the domain, davinci/html is the document root folder inside /var/www and davinci.conf is the Apache2 configuration inside /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/. See server-deployment.git/utils/pimcore-update-domain for details.

Finally, create a Jenkins deployment script inside the davinci repository.

I want to update Pimcore

I want to update my Pimcore to version 5.4.0.

Run /var/www/html/bin/console --update=5.4.0

It needs at least 3GB of RAM, consider to enable a swap file, if it fails due to low memory error.

I want to install a Pimcore, that needs a newer PHP version

I want to install PHP 7.2 on an existing Pimcore machine.

ssh into your Pimcore server, and type php -v. See if the update is needed.

If you have an older version, install php 7.2 and dependencies.

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" \
    | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install apache2 ntp mysql-server php7.2-fpm php7.2-gd \
                php7.2-mysql php7.2-curl unzip php7.2-xml php7.2-intl php7.2 \
                php7.2-common php7.2-gd php7.2-mysql php7.2-imap php7.2-cli \
                mcrypt imagemagick php7.2-curl php7.2-intl php7.2-pspell \
                php7.2-recode php7.2-tidy php7.2-xmlrpc php7.2-xsl php-imagick \
                php-gettext php7.2-zip php7.2-mbstring php7.2-soap php7.2-bz2 \
                php7.2-apcu curl

Configure and reload Apache:

sudo a2enmod actions proxy_fcgi setenvif alias rewrite expires headers
sudo a2enconf php7.2-fpm
sudo service apache2 reload

I want to create Jenkinsfiles for an newly installed Pimcore webpage

You have a newly installed project called and you want to create Jenkins pipelines now. We do that with remotely executed commands via ssh.

Copy the following snippet into two files located inside the root folder of your Pimcore webpage repository: Jenkinsfile-production-deploy and Jenkinsfile-testserver-deploy.

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        KEY = credentials('your-servers-key.pem')

    stages {
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    ssh -i ${KEY} www-data@ \
                        "set -xeo pipefail
                         cd myprojectorg
                         cp var/config/website-settings.php ../website-settings.php
                         git fetch --all --prune
                         git reset --hard origin/master
                         git pull
                         ### Change settings in system.php (mostly just for test environments), like:
                         ### sed -ie 's/\\(\\"domain\\" => \\)\\([^,]*\\)/\\1\\"\\"/' var/config/system.php
                         rm -rf var/cache/*
                         chmod +x ./bin/console
                         cp -f ../website-settings.php var/config/website-settings.php
                         ./bin/console c:c -e dev
                         ./bin/console c:c -e prod"

Finally, you just need to create Pipelines inside Jenkins' web-frontend.

I want to upload files to Pimcore greater than 2MB

Login to the server with ssh and check which upload limits are set within the different php.ini files:

grep -inr upload_max_filesize /etc/php/*/fpm/

Assume we have PHP 7.0 and 7.2 installed. Add the new limit in MB and restart all php services:

sudo vim /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
sudo vim /etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini

sudo service php7.0-fpm restart
sudo service php7.2-fpm restart

Jenkins Pipelines

I want to get all credentials stored in Jenkins

Go to and run the following snippet:

def creds = com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
for (c in creds) {
  if (c instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.impl.StringCredentialsImpl) {
    println(String.format("id=%s::::desc=%s::::secret=%s\n",, c.description, c.secret))
  if(c instanceof com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey){
    println(String.format("id=%s::::desc=%s::::key=%s\n",, c.description, c.privateKeySource.getPrivateKeys()))
  if (c instanceof com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl){
    println(String.format("id=%s::::desc=%s::::user=%s:::::pass=%s\n",, c.description, c.username, c.password))

I want to run docker as jenkins user

Example dockerfile for an alpine image:

FROM maven:3-jdk-8-alpine
RUN addgroup -g $JENKINS_GROUP_ID jenkins && \
    adduser -D -u $JENKINS_USER_ID -G jenkins jenkins
COPY infrastructure/docker/ /

Example dockerfile for an debian or ubuntu image (addgroup and adduser differ):

FROM maven:3-jdk-8
RUN groupadd -g $JENKINS_GROUP_ID jenkins && \
    useradd -ms /bin/bash --no-user-group -g $JENKINS_GROUP_ID -u $JENKINS_USER_ID jenkins
COPY infrastructure/docker/ /

... and the agent configuration inside a Jenkins pipeline:

agent {
    dockerfile {
        filename 'infrastructure/docker/java.dockerfile'
        additionalBuildArgs '--build-arg JENKINS_USER_ID=$(id -u jenkins) --build-arg JENKINS_GROUP_ID=$(id -g jenkins)'

I want to directly debug a Jenkins pipeline running in a docker container

  • Put sleep 1000000 into some part of your Jenkinsfile, and execute the script.
  • SSH into jenkins
  • sudo -iu jenkins
  • Find the docker container ID with docker ps, compare it with the logs in the Jenkins output
  • Enter the docker container with docker exec -it <container-id> bash

I want to show ansi colors

Add the following lines as block inside pipeline{ ... }:

options {

I want to execute arbitrary commands on the remote server

You need to use ssh for that. Your pipeline script looks similar to this:

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        KEY = credentials('private-key-123')
    stages {
        stage('Whatever') {
            steps {
               sh 'ssh -i ${KEY} user@ "touch IT_WORKS"'

Upload the private key as secret file to Jenkins and give it the ID private-key-123.

Jenkins needs to add this host to its known_hosts file. There are two possibilities to do so:

  1. Automated via the Jenkins Job Server Deployment/Reset Known Hosts File. Click Run with parameters and enter your IP address

  2. Manually via ssh within your Jenkins server.

ssh admin@your-jenkins-server
sudo -iu jenkins
ssh-keyscan -H

If that IP address has already been used, you can clear it with ssh-keygen -R first.

Test it inside the Jenkins web-console and see what Console Output shows up. If you do not get any ssh output for some time, check your firewall rules of the remote server.

I want to execute git commands on the remote server

Please follow all instructions of I want to execute arbitrary commands on the remote server first.

Change your pipeline script, that is, exchange touch IT_WORKS with some git commands.

Connect to the remote server, and add an ssh-key for your git account.

ssh user@
cat ~/.ssh/

Copy contents into your allowed SSH keys section of github. Alternatively, you can also copy an existing private key, that has already been added to your github account to user@

Test it with

git pull

Make sure that git config -l shows a ssh protocol for remote.origin.url, i.e., If not, change it inside .git/config.

I want to create a cron-job to clone AWS instances

I want to create a clone of an instance each night at 3am, to have a test environment with the actual production state.

First, create a pipeline script inside server-deployment repository:

git clone
cat > Jenkinsfile-MyClone-Nightly-Clones << EOF
    pipeline {
        agent any
        environment {
            AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws_ec2scripts_secret_key_id')
            AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws_ec2scripts_secret_access_key')
            AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 'json'
            AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = 'eu-west-1'
        stages {
            stage('Clone') {
                steps {
                    sh '''
                        cd utils
                        SRC_INSTANCE_ID=i-0123456789abcde0 CLONE_INSTANCE_NAME=dolly ./aws-ec2-clone
git commit -am "Add Jenkinsfile-MyClone-Nightly-Clones"
git push

Create a new pipeline inside Server Deployment from template Pipeline. Activate Build periodically to a schedule H 3 * * * (H is a good idea to distribute it evenly from 3am to 4am).

Use a Pipeline script from SCM definition, and set as repository URL.

Set Clean after/before checkout and add your script path to Jenkinsfile-MyClone-Nightly-Clones.

I want to copy artifacts from another job

I want to copy an artifact from the source pipeline / to the destinations / and /project2

On source grant access to the other pipelines:

    options {
        copyArtifactPermission('/, /project2')

On destination copy last successful build artifact:

    copyArtifacts projectName: '/',
                    target: 'build',
                    flatten: true,
                    selector: lastSuccessful(),
                    fingerprintArtifacts: true

If the source project is a multibranch pipeline, you must also add the branch name to the projectName, like /

I want to rename artifacts

That is actually not possible directly, the workaround with a build-number is as follows:

    stage('Archive') {
        steps {
            sh 'mv path-to-file/app-xxx.apk app-build${BUILD_NUMBER}.apk'
            archiveArtifacts \
                artifacts: "app-build${BUILD_NUMBER}.apk",
                onlyIfSuccessful: true

I want to upload all files of a directory to an s3 bucket

Upload all files inside build/ to the remote bucket to the remote folder attic/.

    stage('Upload') {
        steps {
                bucket: '',
                path: 'attic/',
                acl: 'PublicRead',
                workingDir: "build",
                includePathPattern: "*"

I want to have a static list of a directory as html on s3

Execute inside a pipeline, and then upload the index.html file to that bucket.

    cd your-folder
    tree -H '.' -L 1 --noreport --charset utf-8 -P "*.apk" > index.html



I want to setup a new Docker Server

Create a EC2 Instance with Debian 10, add a IAM role called docker and assign corresponding security groups for SSH, and add either the security group test-docker-sg or prod-docker-sg.

Then install the docker playbook, described in our infrastructure ansible playbooks repository.

I want to mount an AWS/EFS endpoint inside Debian 10

As admin install the EFS tools:

apt -y install git binutils
git clone
cd efs-utils
apt -y install ./build/amazon-efs-utils-*_all.deb

Then, create a mountpoint:

mkdir -p /mnt/whatever
echo "fs-abc123456:/ /mnt/whatever efs _netdev,tls,accesspoint=fsap-0974961234567b587c3 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a

Further reading: Installing the EFS tools, Mounting EFS.

I want to setup an SMTP server

I want to send e-mails from our own SMTP server with an address called We use AWS/SES (Simple Email Service) for that.

  1. Get your SMTP credentials from AWS.

  2. Enable inside your AWS webconsole under Simple Email Service/Email Addresses

  3. Configure your client as follows:

Server name        :
Server port        : 587
User name          : (see SMTP credentials)
Password           : (see SMTP credentials)
SMTP name          :
Auth method        : Normal password (unencrypted) / LOGIN
Connection security: STARTTLS (or sometimes just called TLS)

I want to create a test clone of a server instance

I want to clone an AWS instance with ID i-0123456789abcde0 to a new instance with name dolly.

Use utils/aws-ec2-clone from server-deployment.git which needs aws ec2 command-line tools. See this script's comments for further details and configuration options.

git clone
cd utils
SRC_INSTANCE_ID=i-0123456789abcde0 CLONE_INSTANCE_NAME=dolly ./aws-ec2-clone

I want to give server-access via SSH to an external contributor

On AWS open ssh ports in inbound for the IP's you want to grant access.

Access the server with ssh

ssh -i admin_key.pem admin@

Create a user for the external contributor Chuck

sudo adduser chuck

Store Chuck's public ssh key in the authorized_keys file

sudo -iu chuck bash
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys

Tell Chuck, that all is setup and that he should change his password as soon as possible.

In addition, if Chuck should be administrator on that server, add him to the sudoers group.

sudo usermod -aG sudo chuck

If no sudo group exists, do the following:

sudo touch /etc/sudoers.d/externals
sudo chmod +w /etc/sudoers.d/externals
echo "chuck ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/externals
sudo chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/externals

I want to create a new Tomcat server instance on AWS for Testing

Install all dependencies:

apt install tomcat8 tomcat8-admin

Adjust the /etc/tomcat8/server.xml configuration and add all hosts (<Host>...</Host>) served by this Tomcat instance:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener" />
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" />
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener" />
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" />
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener" />

    <Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
            description="User database that can be updated and saved"
            pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" />

<Service name="Catalina">
    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
            redirectPort="8443" />

    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">
        <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"

    <Host name=""  appBase="webapps/"
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
            prefix="bigdata4tourism.tomcat02.testingmachine.eu_access_log" suffix=".txt"
            pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b" />


Add a user that can upload/deploy applications using the maven deploy feature in the /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tomcat-users xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" tomcat-users.xsd" version="1.0">
    <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    <user name="jenkins" password="..." roles="manager-script,manager-gui" />

Enable the manager for the new host that is resposible for uploading/deploying applications:

cp -rfT /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/

Create a folder in the webapps folder for every host:

mkdir -p /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/localhost
chown -R tomcat8: /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/localhost
chmod -R 775 /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/localhost

mkdir -p /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/
chown -R tomcat8: /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/
chmod -R 775 /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/

Finally, restart Tomcat:

service tomcat8 restart

I want to create a new Tomcat server instance on AWS Elasticbeanstalk for Production

Create an ebextension and add all hosts (<Host>...</Host>) served by this Tomcat instance:

      owner: root
      group: tomcat
      mode: "000644"
      content : |
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
        <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener"
        logArgs="false" logEnv="false" logProps="false" />
        <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" />
        <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener" />
        <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" />
        <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener" />

            <Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
                    description="User database that can be updated and saved"
                    pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" />

        <Service name="Catalina">
            <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                    connectionTimeout="20000" />
            <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
                <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">
                    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"

                <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps/ROOT/localhost"
                        unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
                        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
                        prefix="localhost_access_log" suffix=".txt" rotatable="false"
                        pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b" />
                        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve" protocolHeader="X-Forwarded-Proto" internalProxies="10\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|192\.168\.\d+\.\d+|169\.254\.\d+\.\d+|127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.\d+\.\d+" />

                <Host name=""  appBase="webapps/ROOT/"
                        unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
                        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
                        prefix="bigdata4tourism.tomcat02.opendatahub.com_access_log" suffix=".txt" rotatable="false"
                        pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b" />
                        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve" protocolHeader="X-Forwarded-Proto" internalProxies="10\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|192\.168\.\d+\.\d+|169\.254\.\d+\.\d+|127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.\d+\.\d+" />

Place all war file in the specified subfolders of the hosts before running eb deploy:

mkdir -p localhost

mkdir -p
cp ../../ROOT.war

I want to create a new Pimcore server instance on AWS

Get our server-deployment repository

git clone

Configure the utils/aws-launch-debian-pimcore script. All needed information can be found inside the script.

vim utils/aws-launch-debian-pimcore

Run it


Go to the AWS console and name the new EC2 Instance, Volume, Elastic IP, and Security Group. Use a prefix for all of them with a pattern like <test|prod>-pimcore-detail

Instance = prod-pimcore-hackathon
Volume = prod-pimcore-hackathon-volume
Elastic IP = prod-pimcore-hackathon-eip
Security Group = prod-pimcore-hackathon-sg

Get our pimcore-automation repository

git clone

Copy to your new server instance:

scp -i ~/.ssh/your-key.pem admin@

Access your server and make the script executable

ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-key.pem admin@
chmod +x

Configure the script. All needed information can be found inside the script.


Run it

sudo ./

Test it with a browser and see if shows the Pimcore welcome screen.

I want to use a swap file on my server

I have a server, which does not have enough RAM, and I do not want to upgrade it now. However, some tools run out of memory.

Check if you have a swap file installed:

sudo swapon --summary

Enable a 4GB swap file:

sudo fallocate -l 4G /mnt/4GB.swap
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/4GB.swap bs=1024 count=4194304
sudo mkswap /mnt/4GB.swap
sudo chmod 0600 /mnt/4GB.swap
sudo swapon /mnt/4GB.swap

A script can be found on our server-deployment repository.

I want to make my web server HTTPS compliant

I have a website reachable with on an IP, and want to make it HTTPS only. If that domain does not exist, tell your ICT guys to point the DNS entries for to, or add a subdomain as CNAME to your AWS/Route53 configuration, if you own the domain. Use a TTL of 300 and as VALUE.

We use a proxy with Apache and Let's Encrypt for that. Let's assume the IP of that proxy is

ssh admin@

Execute the script for a new apache/certbot configuration:


This generates the most simple configuration with https redirects. If you need something more specific (for example, a server alias, here are the manual steps:

Configure Apache on with

sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/


<VirtualHost *:80>
	<Proxy *>
		Order Allow,Deny
		Allow from all
	ProxyPass /
	ProxyPassReverse /
	ProxyPreserveHost On
	ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/

Enable the new configuration

sudo a2ensite

Finally, get your certificates and final configuration. Execute...

sudo /opt/certbot-auto --apache


Type, 2,3 to select both names for your new certificate, and choose 2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access.

Define your firewall, such that only the proxy can point to port 80 of On AWS refine the corresponding Security Group's inbound rule:

Type:         HTTP
Protocol:     TCP
Port:         80

I want to show different content on GET as of POST requests

We can do a rewrite rule on Apache for that:

Example taken from

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *:443>
  <Proxy *>
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
  SSLProxyEngine On
  RewriteEngine On
  ProxyPass / Keepalive=On
  ProxyPassReverse /
  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/eu.testingmachine.opendatahub.alpinebits

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD}  =GET
  RewriteRule    "/AlpineBits$" [P,END]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD}  =GET
  RewriteRule    ^{REQUEST_URI} [P]

  SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf

I want to fix the proxy error 'Size of a request header field exceeds server limit'

Increase the LimitRequestFieldSize in your first virtual host configuration (the error shows a server name which is the first virtual host configuration):

For example (0 means unlimited; 8190 is the default):

LimitRequestFieldSize 16380

See Apache Docs

An error on the proxy shows a wrong server URL

The first host configuration could be just a random server config, which is misleading, when a general proxy server occurs.

Solution: Configure the first virtual host (000-default.conf on Debian) as follows:

<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot /var/www/html
	ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/
	CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ combined
	LimitRequestFieldSize 16380

Run LetsEncrypt to add https support:

sudo /opt/certbot-auto --apache

I want to mount an aws s3 bucket on my server


  • an aws s3 bucket with no dots in it's name
  • s3fs
  • AWS IAM user with (at least) read access to the specific bucket


Once everything is ready you should already be able to mount the bucket. The s3fs tool right now is not working properly when the bucket has dots in it's name. In your home directory create a file .passwd-s3fs and insert your aws user credentials in this form ACCESS_KEY_ID:SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

umask and allow_other are options which allow you to define permissions for other users, but can not break permissions set on the AWS IAM user.

To mount the bucket do as follows:

s3fs bucketname:/ /mountFolder -o passwd_file=~/.passwd-s3fs -o umask=0222 -o allow_other

For more specific configurations and mount options refer to the manual page and the official documentation

I want to automate server updates

I have a new Debian server test-tomcat-whatever with IP, and want to update it with a Jenkins script. We access the server via SSH with a key called key-test-tomcat-whatever.

Go to Jenkins Credential management > Server Credentials and add the private key as secret file, with description and ID equal to key-test-tomcat-whatever.

Add as a known host to Jenkins via Reset Known Hosts File (for details, see I want to execute arbitrary commands on the remote server).

Open the Jenkins pipeline Jenkinsfile-ServerUpdates on our server-deployment repository.

Add a new line inside environment, like:

KEYTOMCATWHATEVER = credentials('key-test-tomcat-whatever')

Add a new stage called test-tomcat-whatever (it should always be the same as in AWS) as follows:

stage('test-tomcat-whatever') {
    steps {
        ssh -i "$KEYTOMCATWHATEVER" admin@ "\
            set -xeuo pipefail
            uname -a
            sudo apt-get update
            sudo apt-get -y upgrade
            sudo apt-get autoremove
            sudo service apache2 status | grep running

Make sure, that the command bails out as soon as possible on failure (set -xeuo pipefail), update the machine and perform a final check (sudo service apache2 status | grep running).

Commit and push your changes.

Run the pipeline inside Jenkins.

I want to install the CloudWatch Agent on a Linux machine

  1. Attach the Role "Monitoring" to the EC2 Instance. The Role should include the following Permissions:
    • CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
  2. Check your Linux Distribution: cat /etc/*-release
  3. Download and Install the CloudWatch Agent Package depending on your Linux Distribution:
    • wget
    • rpm -U ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm or dpkg -i -E ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb
  4. Copy the Basic Linux Monitoring Configuration from the Amazon System Manager: amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c ssm:AmazonCloudWatch-LinuxBasic -s
  5. Check if the CloudWatch Agent Service is running: service amazon-cloudwatch-agent status
  6. Check the Logs if everything works as expected: /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/logs/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.log

I want to install the CloudWatch Agent on a Windows machine

  1. Attach the Role "Monitoring" to the EC2 Instance. The Role should include the following Permissions:
    • CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
  2. Download and Install the CloudWatch Agent Package:
  3. Copy the Basic Windows Monitoring Configuration from the Amazon System Manager:
    • cd 'C:\Program Files\Amazon\AmazonCloudWatchAgent'
    • ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl.ps1 -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c ssm:AmazonCloudWatch-WindowsBasic -s
  4. Check if the CloudWatch Agent Service is running in the Windows Services: AmazonCloudWatchAgent

I want to monitor a website using Heartbeat

  1. SSH into the server where Heartbeat is installed and who performs the recurring checks
    • Grafana:
  2. Change to the folder /var/heartbeat/config
  3. Modify the configuration
    • Every .yml file inside this folder will be read and included
    • Changes to the .yml files will be picked up immediately automatically

I want to extend a non-root disk formatted with EXT4 on AWS

  1. Go to your instance on AWS/EC2
  2. Select the volume you want to resize
  3. Optionally, create a snapshot of the volume to restore it on error
  4. Actions > Modify Volume -> Set the new size
  5. Reboot the instance
  6. SSH into the instance
  7. lsblk to see which block devices are attached to your instance
  8. sudo umount /dev/nvme1n1 (optional, but safer)
  9. sudo resize2fs /dev/nvme1n1

More info:


I want to add a table of contents to a markdown file

Open the markdown file, i.e.,, where you want to add a the table of contents and add the following lines after the main title and initial paragraphs:

<!-- START doctoc -->
<!-- END doctoc -->

Use the doctoc command to update the markdown file. First install that command with

sudo npm install -g doctoc

...then execute it

doctoc --github --title '#### Table of Contents'

Finally publish it with

git add
git commit -m "Docs: Update table of content for"
git push


If not otherwise stated, all these chapters are about PostgreSQL.

I want to find duplicates in a table

We want to find all duplicates in the table edge within the column edge_data_id.

select * from edge e1
where (select count(*) from edge e2
where e1.edge_data_id = e2.edge_data_id) > 1;

I want to delete duplicates, but keep one record each time

We want to delete all duplicates in the table edge within the column edge_data_id, but keep one for each group.

delete from edge where id in (
	select id from (
		select *, row_number() over (partition by edge_data_id order by id) as rn
		from edge
	) as subedge where subedge.rn > 1

Now, we want to set the unique constraint, such that duplicates cannot be inserted anymore.

ALTER TABLE edge ADD CONSTRAINT uc_edge_edge_data_id UNIQUE (edge_data_id);

I run out of disk space on an AWS/RDS Postgres instance

If you see a continues increase in storage, it is possible that PITR prevents the cleaning of WAL logs. See AWS RDS Docs.

To check whether PITR is activated or not, do

show archive_timeout;

If it is not equal 0, you have PITR activated, and that means that Postgres generates also WAL logs without writes. Normally, they would be cleaned after a few MB, but with PITR they are kept forever. This is a problem, if you have slots that are never consumed (active=false).

Find your slots and subscription with

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_subscription;

To free storage, you can also drop the underlying slot:

SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('Your_slotname_name');

I want to enable logical replication on an AWS/RDS or regular Postgres instance

See our logical replication specific flight rules.

I want to create a read-only user (aka role)

CREATE ROLE read_only_user WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_strong_password';
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE your_database TO read_only_user;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA your_schema TO read_only_user;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA your_schema TO read_only_user;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA your_schema TO read_only_user;
COMMENT ON ROLE read_only_user IS 'Read-only account for your_reason';

I want to diff two tables with the same schema

The following SQL query gives the diff of two tables called your-first-table and your-second-table, or an empty result if both are equal.

    table1 AS (table your-first-table),
    table2 AS (table your-second-table)
    (TABLE table1 EXCEPT ALL TABLE table2)
    (TABLE table2 EXCEPT ALL TABLE table1)
) temp;

I want to backup and restore specific schemas

First of all you need to be sure to have access to the database and you have postgres installed so you can use "pg_dump,pg_restore". Try to do this on a server and not on your local machine. Use a screen session to avoid a crash/timeout after you disconnect. screen

Once your in the screen session, start your backup like this:

pg_dump -O -Fc -n <schema name> -n <another schema name> -f <filename of dump> -h <databasehost> -U <your username> <database name>

- O ... do not save ownership of data *
- Fc ... compress data *

* check man pg_restore / man pg_dump for better doc

It might take just seconds or even days, depending on the amount of data. So detach from your screen session doing CTRL+A, CTRL-D. Once the backup is done you can start with the restore. Connect to the server and resume your screen session:screen -r. Start your restore by doing:

pg_restore -O --role=<role name to associate data with> -h <hostname> -Upbertolla -d <database name> <filename of dump>
- O ... do not take ownership of data if there is association
- role ... use this option to set owner of this data in the target db

Disconnect from screen session again and wait till restore is finished

Virtual Knowledge Graph (VKG)

I want to give full access to the Virtual Knowledge Graph

See VKG Documentation/Authentication for details.

Open Data Hub Mobility

I want to create links between stations

The edge is represented by the edge table and the start and end stations and the edge description by three entries within the station table. Start and ending stations are optional.

I have an already existing station siemens and a station proma of type BluetoothStation, and want to create a link between them. The link will be named Siemens->Ponte Roma and the unique identifier is called siemens->proma. The type of the edge is LinkStation, and the origin is NOI, because we are the authors of this edge.

Execute one of the following code with psql or any other PostgreSQL aware tool:

1) For edges with start- and end-stations

a as (
	select * from station
    where stationcode = 'siemens' and stationtype = 'BluetoothStation'
, b as (
	select * from station
    where stationcode = 'proma' and stationtype = 'BluetoothStation'
, ins1 as (
	insert into station (origin, active, available, name, stationcode, stationtype)
	select 'NOI', true, true, || '->' ||, a.stationcode || '->' || b.stationcode, 'LinkStation'
    from a, b
	returning id as link_station_id
, ins2 as (
	insert into edge (directed, origin_id, destination_id, edge_data_id)
	select true,,, link_station_id from a, b, ins1
	returning id as edge_id
select * from ins2;

2) For edges without start- and end-stations

Create a new LinkStation, if you need:

insert into station (origin, active, available, name, stationcode, stationtype)
	values ('NOI', true, true, 'your-choosen-name', 'your-choosen-stationcode', 'LinkStation');

Create a new edge with that LinkStation:

insert into edge (directed, linegeometry, edge_data_id)
	select false, public.st_polygon('LINESTRING(2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 2 2)'::public.geometry, 25832),
    from station s
    where s.stationcode = 'your-choosen-stationcode'
    and s.stationtype = 'LinkStation';

The linegeometry public.st_polygon('LINESTRING(2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 2 2)'::public.geometry, 25832) is just an example, please add whatever you like here (also NULL).

I want to delete an link/edge between stations

I want to delete an edge between the two stations siemens and proma, with name siemens->proma and type LinkStation.

delete from edge
where edge_data_id = (
    select id from station
    where stationcode = 'siemens->proma' and stationtype = 'LinkStation'

delete from station
where stationcode = 'siemens->proma' and stationtype = 'LinkStation';

NB: If you do not know the stationcode, search for it with:

select * from edge
join station org on ed.origin_id =
join station dst on ed.destination_id =
join station lnk on ed.edge_data_id =
where lnk.stationtype = 'LinkStation'
and org.stationcode = 'siemens'
and dst.stationcode = 'proma'

I want to change visibility of mobility data

This chapter explains how to add users and roles, and to define which data can be seen as open data, and what is closed.

Please note: Only API methods regarding measurements are restricted. Methods regarding stations and types are considered open-data due to their meta-data character, so they always expose all data.

I want to add a new user to be used in V2

New documentation can be found here

I want to retrieve closed data in V2



I want to run maven without tests

If you run your tests already in a former stage, you can skip tests as follows:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true ...

I want to run maven in a non-interactive mode without output colors

This is useful for scripting.

mvn -B ...

I want to force maven to always update dependencies

This is useful for scripting.

mvn -U ...

I want to use maven to deploy on a tomcat server

We have a tomcat server with a running tomcat manager and credentials in our environment:

TESTSERVER_TOMCAT_CREDENTIALS = "testserver-tomcat8-credentials-s3cr3t"

Configure access credentials for your tomcat server inside the ~/.m2/settings.xml. For instance, as follows:

sed -i -e "s/<\\/settings>$//g\" ~/.m2/settings.xml
echo "    <servers>" >> ~/.m2/settings.xml
echo "        ${TESTSERVER_TOMCAT_CREDENTIALS}" >> ~/.m2/settings.xml
echo "    </servers>" >> ~/.m2/settings.xml
echo "</settings>" >> ~/.m2/settings.xml

Then run:

mvn -B -U tomcat:redeploy -Dmaven.tomcat.url=${TESTSERVER_TOMCAT_ENDPOINT} -Dmaven.tomcat.server=testServer -Dmaven.tomcat.path=/

Open Data hub Maven repository

I want to use an open source java library of the OpenDataHub

Add the opendatahub repository to your pom.xml file


and add the library you need as dependency eg.:


I want to upload an artifact to the Open Data hub maven repository

Add distribution management to your pom.xml:


Add a wagon which handles the transfer and deployment to the s3 bucket


Configure your maven repository to handle authentication towards s3 bucket. Go to settings.xml and configure a server like this:


Deploy your library through maven: mvn deploy

App Development


I want to add a new tester to an App on Google Play

I want to add to our new Beacon App alpha tester crowd. We assume, that the alpha release has already been made.

  • Login to
  • Choose Beacon App
  • Go to Release Management > App releases
  • Click on MANAGE within the "Closed Tracks Alpha" block
  • Add to an existing list or create a new list
  • Activate that list and save it
  • Send an email to your testers (if not already done automatically) with the opt-in URL


I want to renew the development and distribution certificates

  1. Go to the repository where the certificates are stored
  2. Delete certificates (ex. the development profile)
    • rm certs/development/*.cer
    • rm certs/development/*.p12
    • rm profiles/development/*.mobileprovision
  3. Optionally open Apple Developer and delete the certificates and profiles
  4. Go to the repository of the iOS app
  5. Create a new certificate
    • fastlane match development --username
    • fastlane match appstore --username
  6. Adjust the fastlane settings of the project
    • Configure the new profile name profile_name in the Fastfile
  7. Deploy new version
    • If the build fails, go to the node and run security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple: -s ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db

If you have any issues, check these links out: - - fastlane/fastlane#10589

The step 7 is currently a workaround. It could be that this step can be avoided in the future with a new version of fastlane.


Documentation and How-tos that do not fit into a specific project :::: This is not the Open Data Hub documentation, see, if you need that






No releases published


No packages published
