Demo your components abilities. A simple component that wraps your components and gives component inputs to adjust their props.
❗ Demo at (each component is wrapped with to allow playing with it)
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import sand from 'react-sand'
const Sand = sand({ React })
class FancyComponent extends Component {
static propTypes = (
{ stringProp: PropTypes.string
, numberProp: PropTypes.number
, comboProp: PropTypes.oneOf([ 'foo', 'bar' ])
render() {
export default props => (
<Sand Box={FancyComponent}>
<span>Some children</span>
In the example above you will see the FancyComponent rendered within a sandbox containing controls to alter its props in the browser.
Note: Under active development. This is not done yet. Pull requests welcome!