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src: add NODE_SECURITY_REVERT environment variable
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Some vendors do not allow passing custom command-line flags to the node
executable. There are concerns around allowing --security-revert in
NODE_OPTIONS because it might be inherited by child processes

This patch introduces a new environment variable that, if set, is unset
immediately unless it ends with "+sticky". Aside from that optional
suffix, its value is a comma-separated list of CVE identifiers for which
the respective security patches should be reverted.

Closes: #52017
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tniessen committed Apr 8, 2024
1 parent 9ef724b commit 06bf754
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Showing 5 changed files with 185 additions and 9 deletions.
43 changes: 42 additions & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ static ExitCode InitializeNodeWithArgsInternal(

per_process::dotenv_file.GetIfAvailable("NODE_OPTIONS", &node_options);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -960,6 +960,47 @@ static ExitCode InitializeNodeWithArgsInternal(
if (exit_code != ExitCode::kNoFailure) return exit_code;

// Apply security reverts based on an environment variable.
const char* const security_revert_var = "NODE_SECURITY_REVERT";
std::string security_revert;
if (credentials::SafeGetenv(security_revert_var, &security_revert) ||
&security_revert)) {
// We unset the environment variable by default to prevent it from being
// inherited by child processes. This can be prevented by the user by
// appending "+sticky" to the value of the environment variable.
const char* const sticky_str = "+sticky";
size_t maybe_sticky_pos = security_revert.length() - strlen(sticky_str);
const bool sticky = security_revert.length() >= strlen(sticky_str) &&
security_revert.rfind(sticky_str) == maybe_sticky_pos;
if (sticky) {

// Ignore the environment variable if the CLI argument was set.
Mutex::ScopedLock lock(per_process::cli_options_mutex);
if (per_process::reverted_cve == 0) {
std::string revert_error;
for (const std::string_view& cve : SplitString(security_revert, ",")) {
Revert(std::string(cve).c_str(), &revert_error);
if (!revert_error.empty()) {
// TODO(joyeecheung): merge into kInvalidCommandLineArgument.
return ExitCode::kInvalidCommandLineArgument2;

// Unset the environment variable unless it has been marked as sticky.
if (!sticky) {
Mutex::ScopedLock lock(per_process::env_var_mutex);

// Set the process.title immediately after processing argv if --title is set.
if (!per_process::cli_options->title.empty())
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14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -171,11 +171,19 @@ Dotenv::ParseResult Dotenv::ParsePath(const std::string_view path) {
return ParseResult::Valid;

void Dotenv::AssignNodeOptionsIfAvailable(std::string* node_options) {
auto match = store_.find("NODE_OPTIONS");
bool Dotenv::GetIfAvailable(const char* name, std::string* out) {
auto match = store_.find(name);
if (match == store_.end()) {
return false;
*out = match->second;
return true;

void Dotenv::DeleteEntry(const char* name) {
auto match = store_.find(name);
if (match != store_.end()) {
*node_options = match->second;

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/node_dotenv.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ class Dotenv {

void ParseContent(const std::string_view content);
ParseResult ParsePath(const std::string_view path);
void AssignNodeOptionsIfAvailable(std::string* node_options);
bool GetIfAvailable(const char* name, std::string* out);
void SetEnvironment(Environment* env);
v8::Local<v8::Object> ToObject(Environment* env);

void DeleteEntry(const char* name);

static std::vector<std::string> GetPathFromArgs(
const std::vector<std::string>& args);

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/node_revert.h
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Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
* a given LTS or Stable may be added to this list, and only with TSC
* consensus.
* For *main* this list should always be empty!
* For *main* this list should always be empty, aside from a single test entry!
namespace node {

// XX(CVE_2016_PEND, "CVE-2016-PEND", "Vulnerability Title")
XX(CVE_2009_TEST, "CVE-2009-TEST", "Non-existent vulnerability for testing")

enum reversion {
#define V(code, ...) SECURITY_REVERT_##code,
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125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions test/parallel/test-env-security-revert.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
'use strict';


const assert = require('node:assert');
const { spawnSync } = require('node:child_process');
const { writeFileSync } = require('node:fs');

const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir');

const testCVE = 'CVE-2009-TEST';
const testVulnerabilityTitle = 'Non-existent vulnerability for testing';
const testCVEWarningMessage = `SECURITY WARNING: Reverting ${testCVE}: ${testVulnerabilityTitle}`;
const testProcKey = `REVERT_${testCVE.replace(/-/g, '_')}`;
const invalidCVE = 'CVE-2009-NOPE';
const invalidCVERegExp = new RegExp(`^.+: Error: Attempt to revert an unknown CVE \\[${invalidCVE}\\]$`);

const node = process.execPath;

function run({ env, dotenv, args, otherEnv }) {
const dotenvPath = tmpdir.resolve('.env');
if (dotenv != null) {
writeFileSync(dotenvPath, `NODE_SECURITY_REVERT=${dotenv}\n`);

return spawnSync(node, [
...(dotenv != null ? ['--env-file', dotenvPath] : []),
...(args ?? []),
'--print', `JSON.stringify([
Object.entries(process).filter(([name]) => name.startsWith("REVERT_")),
child_process.execFileSync(${JSON.stringify(node)}, [
'--print', 'process.env.NODE_SECURITY_REVERT'
], {
env: {
...(otherEnv ?? {}),
encoding: 'utf8'

function expectSuccess(params) {
const { status, stdout, stderr } = run(params);
assert.strictEqual(status, 0, `${status} ${stderr}`);
assert.strictEqual(stderr.length, 0, stderr);
const lines = stdout.trim().split(/\r?\n/g);
assert.notStrictEqual(lines.length, 0);
const output = lines.pop();
return [lines, JSON.parse(output)];

function expectError(params) {
const { status, stdout, stderr } = run(params);
assert.notStrictEqual(status, 0);
return [stdout.trim(), stderr.trim()];

for (const method of ['env', 'dotenv']) {
// Default: no security revert.
assert.deepStrictEqual(expectSuccess({}), [[], [null, [], ['undefined']]]);

// Revert a single CVE patch without child processes inheriting this behavior.
assert.deepStrictEqual(expectSuccess({ [method]: testCVE }), [
[null, [[testProcKey, true]], ['undefined']],

// Revert a single CVE patch with child processes inheriting this behavior.
assert.deepStrictEqual(expectSuccess({ [method]: `${testCVE}+sticky` }), [
[`${testCVE}+sticky`, [[testProcKey, true]], [testCVEWarningMessage, `${testCVE}+sticky`]],

// Try to revert a CVE patch that does not exist.
for (const suffix of ['', '+sticky']) {
const [stdout, stderr] = expectError({ [method]: `${invalidCVE}${suffix}` });
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
assert.match(stderr, invalidCVERegExp);

// Try to revert two CVE patches, one of which does not exist.
for (const suffix of ['', '+sticky']) {
const [stdout, stderr] = expectError({ [method]: `${testCVE},${invalidCVE}${suffix}` });
assert.strictEqual(stdout, testCVEWarningMessage);
assert.match(stderr, invalidCVERegExp);

// The command-line argument should take precedence over the environment variable
// and is never inherited by child processes.
[method]: invalidCVE,
args: ['--security-revert', testCVE],
}), [
[null, [[testProcKey, true]], ['undefined']],

// The environment variable should take precedence over a dotenv file.
env: testCVE,
dotenv: invalidCVE
}), [
[null, [[testProcKey, true]], ['undefined']],

// We don't want security reverts to be inherited implicitly, thus, neither
// --security-revert nor --env-file should be allowed in NODE_OPTIONS.
for (const NODE_OPTIONS of [
]) {
const [stdout, stderr] = expectError({
otherEnv: { NODE_OPTIONS }
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
const optPrefix = NODE_OPTIONS.substring(0, NODE_OPTIONS.indexOf('=') + 1);
assert.match(stderr, new RegExp(`^.+: ${optPrefix} is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS$`));

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