The ft_printf project is, without bonus, a simple introduction to the variadic arguments in C. With bonuses, it became a very interesting project : you've to study the origin printf for hours, to even begin writing codes.
- You've to grasp the logic behind all the flags, and how they relate when they're combined.
- You've to make the right choice with the design of your program : will it be a total mess ? or a well-organized project : where making improvement and maintaining it doesn't force you to add another source file or another function.
- You've to make EXTENSIVE testing, and while i obviously used a tester at the end of my projects to see if i doesn't miss a special case (we're human right?), i also tested for hours my function to see if everything is working as expected. I insist a lot on testing : premature uses of tester is letting our fear of failure and our lack of self-confidence taking the lead over our good ideas and creativity. We must break our old school habits.