A Yolov2 neural network used to pilot rbpi from SL-5 (a squash ball launcher) over a network using sockets.
All of this is done just to run the neural network on another computer because on the rbpi, he burn 🔥
btw the goal is to follow a person with the cam/cannon so we send x and y pos to the rbpi and he turn the
motor to always face the person 🔫. (code not out yet; Iam working on it)
So I just made the thing running and I got very good result in terms of delay/latency wich was making the software unusable on the pi,
you can see it with this very scientist data graph 🧪: (these times values are ΔT=t2-t1 with t1 = person in the field of view and t2 = x and y data reaching the pi)
I don't have data for [RBPI + MacBookAir with Yolo + Picamera Video Stream] because I don't have the Picamera (csi) at home
As you can see, the all thing is much faster ⚡️ and can be use to follow a person using the motor.
gotta go fast
The code uploaded is a middle state one, it does not handle an video stream on the network due to the fact that I dont currently have a PiCamera
* Server.py run on the rbpi
* Vision.py run on the computer that will handle the neural network and image detection
(port 9093, and need the yolov2-tiny weights and cfg files)
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