Compute the shortest distance on the large-scale, directed, unweighted dynamic graph
Team Name: AK-Group - Deparment of Information Systems, University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Team members:
Pham Hai Dang,, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Information Technology, BSc.
DU Phuong Hanh,, Deparment of Information Systems, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Vietnam, PhD Student.
Vu Ba Duy,, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, MSc.
- Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Hoa,, Deparment of Information Systems, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Vietnam.
Brief Explanation
Graph is organized as arrays of firstly sorted incoming & outcoming nodes;
Each 32 nodes has a reserved buffer for adding new nodes, this buffer is called BUCKET. By default, BUCKET size is 8, that means we can add more atleast 8 nodes in the interval of 32 vertices
Searching algorithm is bi-directional; 2 bitmap arrays are used for remarking travelled incoming/outgoing nodes.
Global incoming queue and outgoing queue are used for each call of searching shortest length. Then, each searching thread will use only proper in/out queues determined by an interval of globals in/out queues.
Each searching thread will also own the proper in/out map slots, computed from the global in/out maps. Once the searching is finished, these in/out slots will be cleared for the next search.
Cilk is used for performing the searching algo in parallel of queries
Third Party Code:
- Intel® Cilk for parallel processing.
- Usage: akgroup [options] Program Options: -n --max_nodes Graph has maximum N nodes - Default N = 20.000.000 -e --max_edges Graph has maximum E edges - Default E= 20.000.000 -? --help This is program to perform actions on a large-scale directed graph.
Constraints - Currently, we use the default maximum number of vertices is 20M. If the graph has the vertex bigger than 20M, please run this program with the -n parameter for changing the max-nodes.