Platform Engineer at OMNY Health
your welcome to browse and fork any repos I have or email me any questions
My Portfolio Still working on it!
Always looking to make new connections and meet fellow developers like myself. Please feel to reach out by my email or linkedin
I am currently working as a Full-Stack Developer in the space of healthcare with .NET, Angular, and a good amount of MSSQL. I am happy to serve at any capacity and work with folks in the healthcare industry with my ample amount of knowledge that I have learned over the course of 2 years. Also, I am a Back-end Developer primarily in Java and C#. I have been using other languages to create different microservices such as JavaScript, Go, and Python.
Working towards becoming a DevOps Engineer, I still have a long road ahead of me, but I will get their eventually.
Graduated from Georgia Tech with a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering
Space of interest: Finance, Healthcare, Education, and Wellness
Currently I am just using my extra time to work on my skillsets on the front-end and cloud and also to change my physique. I go to the gym every morning and later in the afternoon(I end up skipping if I am mentally drained), sometimes if I am just bored at 3AM I'll even hit the gym.