Navigate to the directory you want to use to hold all the files and run:
curl | bash
This script has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04
This script downloads and initialises an arbotix workspace in the current directory, installing everything needed to use the Arbotix PhantomX arm into a local directory.
Attempts to install if not found:
- ros-kinetic-desktop-full
- ros-kinetic-arbotix
- Processing 2.2.1
- Arduino 1.8.9
Initialises Workspaces:
- Arduino Workspace (+Intrabotix/Arbotix Repos)
- Processing Workspace (+controlP5, +dynaManager)
- Catkin Workspace (+PhantomX and +Turtlebot hardware descriptions by Intrabotix, +Arbotix-Ros by VanadiumLabs)
The information below does not relate one to one with the project above, but are snippets of info I found useful.
If your goal is to use ROS, arduino is only needed the first time to copy across ros.ino to the board.
- Arduino 1.8.x is compatible with 1.6.x (The arduino community was forked prior to 1.8, and needed to keep compatibility).
- .ino files are arduino entry points.
- "{NAME}.ino" files must be in a directry called "{NAME}"
- WORKSPACE: Uses a workspace folder that can be set in preferences. Has the following structure:
- libraries
- {after install} ./*
- hardware
- {after install} ./arbotix/avr/*
- libraries
- vanadiumlabs
- produce arbotix board
- interbotix
- A product range from trossenrobotics?
- interbotix is open source, including PhantomX Pincher (very similar to turtlebot arm)
- vanadiumlabs/arbotix:master [arduino 1.0.x] (6 y/o) (origional)
- The origional repo for the arbotix boards.
- interbotix/arbotix:master [arduino 1.0.x] (4 y/o)
- (fork of vanadiumlabs/arbotix:master) Fixes and extra examples for arms
- palashn/arbotix:master [arduino 1.6.x-1.8.x]
- hardware only updated for arduino 1.6.x
- interbotix/arbotix:arduino-1-6 [arduino 1.6.x-1.8.x] (3 y/o)
*** USE ME ***
- (fork of interbotix/arbotix:master) seems to merge patches from various places around the community.
- states fix for ros example
- westleydavis/arbotix:master [arduino 1.6.x-1.8.x] (2 y/o)
- (fork of interbotix/arbotix:arduino-1-6) has one line of ros patch, but doesn't seem to work properly.
- Scripting IDE for visual artists, very similar to arduino in looks and function, including workspaces.
- .pde files are processing entry points.
- "{NAME}.pde" files must be in a directry called "{NAME}"
- WORKSPACE: Uses a workspace folder that can be set in preferences. Has the following structure:
- libraries
- {after install} ./ControlP5 {first 2.x.x, later versions of 2 are incompatible}
- libraries
- arbotix_controllers
- arbotix_firmware
- arbotix_msgs
- arbotix_python
- terminal
- arbotix_sensors
- AX-12A servos draw between 50mA and 900mA
- The basic pincher needs 12V, 5A supply.
- NOTE 2A supply can be used for only 1 servo! Otherwise servo voltage is too low, and they may not be detected properly. (If servos seem to be detected incorrectly, try connecting each and checking their id's - Make sure they are not all the same. Servos can only be mapped individually if they are the same because commands are sent to both simultaniously.)
- The board only can be powered by USB, but then the pins need to be swapped, see manual.
- power from usb & psu at same time is possible.
- High Voltage: Very Bad (damage components)
- Low Voltage: Kinda Bad (less chance to damage components than high voltage)
- High Amperage: OK (only required current is drawn from psu)
- Low Amperage: Kinda Bad (PSU is overworked and low amperage might lead to voltage drop.)
- cable colors must match text next to port on Arbotix. (blk on left in corner, grn on right)
- /dev/ttyUSB0
- Some programs cannot handle other mount points.
- Disconnects may cause ttyUSB{N} to increment.
- Each time /dev/ttyUSB0 is connected, permissions must be changed to 777.
chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
- Make this permanent by adding your user to the 'dialout' group:
sudo adduser {user} dialout
- $
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 {baud-rate}
- Arbotix:
- Arbotix:
- Arbotix_ROS:
- Arbotix_ROS:
- Arbotix_ROS: (Gazebo Additions)
- turtlebot:
- turtlebot: (fixes?)
NOTE: PhantomX Model is different from Turtlebot Pincher.
- phantomx:
- phantomx: (Gazebo Additions)
- tutorial:
- tutorial:
- Alt link in video:
- DynaManager Not Finding Servos:
- Can't See Arbotix-M on Board List:
- ArbotiX 1.6.x Files & Libraries:
- Alternative to arbotix_terminal:
WARNING: servos and the arm are suprisingly violent - the device may damage itself. WARNING: Do not run the arbitrary servo test scripts without limitations on the range of motion and torque.
- NOTE: PincherTest is probably the best for debugging, in arduino open (Tools -> Serial Monitor) to see output.
- Step Modifications:
- 1 - Arduino 1.8.x can probably be used.
- 2 - SKIP (although still $
chmod 777 {usb device}
) - 6 - WARNING: Use PincherTest instead of AXSimpleTest - See WARNINGS above. NOTE: dont forget to properly set (Tools -> programmer, Tools -> board, Tools -> Port) in arduino.
- NB: firmware is persistent even without power.
- Pincher Product Page, Info, Guides:
- Servo IDs - Use Interbotix dynaManager (also sets correct baud rate):
- Setting the ID's of servos with the same ID will change both. Unplug one before doing this.
- The numbering of the servos on the pincher should be from 1 to 5, with 1 being the base rotational servo, 2 being the shoulder, 3 being the middle elbow, 4 the wrist and, 5 the pincer.
- Make a new catkin workspace eg.
$ mkdir catkin_ws
- Make a folder called 'src' inside the catkin workspace and clone the following repos into it:
- arbotix_ros: (turtlebot2i branch)
- includes arduino firmware
- turtlebot_arm: (kinetic-devel branch)
- arbotix_ros: (turtlebot2i branch)
- OPTIONAL, make your life easier by creating the following file as '' and sourcing it:
#!/bin/bash # only source the workspace if catkin_make has been run if [ -f "devel/setup.bash" ]; then source devel/setup.bash ; fi # change the arm to the pincher if [ -z "$TURTLEBOT_ARM1" ]; then export TURTLEBOT_ARM1="pincher" ; fi # ability to launch desktop programs via ssh if ([ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]) && [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then export DISPLAY=":1" ; fi # make compile times quicker, only generate c++ and python bindings if [ -z "$ROS_LANG_DISABLE" ]; then export ROS_LANG_DISABLE="geneus:genlisp:gennodejs" ; fi
- Run
$ catkin_make
inside the root of the workspace to compile the files.- Dependencies for python2 that might need to be installed include:
$ pip install defusedxml rospkg empy catkin_pkg catkin_tools rosinstall rosinstall-generator wstool pyserial numpy pyside2
- Otherwise the following might work instead:
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic -y
- Dependencies for python2 that might need to be installed include:
- Variables:
- Source the newly created files in the workspace with:
$ source devel/setup.bash
- Export the following environment variable if your arm is the pincher:
$ export TURTLEBOT_ARM1=pincher
- Otherwise, instead of doing the above manually, use the optional step above
$ source
- Source the newly created files in the workspace with:
- Run rvis:
- Simulated:
$ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_moveit_config turtlebot_arm_moveit.launch sim:=true --screen
- Physical:
$ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_bringup arm.launch
$ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_moveit_config turtlebot_arm_moveit.launch sim:=false --screen
- Simulated:
-- TODO: Baud Rate (newer firmware) 115200 --
-- TODO: Servos also use serial connection --