This is a simple lightweight template for starting a scala project with sbt.
It comes with:
- sbt-eclipse plugin
- scala-test and specs templates
To get started:
To download and launch sbt:
git clone git:// cd scala-sbt-template ./sbt
To load your project into Eclipse:
sbt> eclipse
Then from within Eclipse, select File->Import->General->Existing Projects Into Workspace, and select your project directory.
Write your code in src/main/scala. To run your program, specify the name of your main class in build.sbt, e.g.:
mainClass := Some("com.damianhelme.App")
In sbt:
sbt> reload sbt> run
You'll probably also want to change the 'name' and 'organisation' sbt configuration settings in build.sbt.
Note the reload only needs to be done once whenever you change the build.sbt file
Write your tests in src/test/scala (some examples have been included). To run all your tests:
sbt> test
To run just one test:
sbt> test-only com.damianhelme.AppTest
For comments, questions, etc. please see the accompanying blogpost.